Users with Company admin permissions and higher can amend data entered on the add waste data page. To do this, go to the waste data log for the relevant project which can be found in the project “Reporting” tab. The waste data log shows a record of each waste movements for that project, listed by the date the waste left site.
To amend a record, click on the date of the relevant entry in the log to bring up the original waste data form that was filled in. Make the necessary changes and click the “Add” button. This will save your changes and take you back to the waste data log so that you can review the amendment and continue.
To delete a record, click on the date of the relevant entry in the log to bring the original waste data form that was filled in. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Delete” button. This will delete the record and take you back to the waste data log so that you can review the amended log and continue.