SmartSite software release notes
Use the tabs below to see the latest software release notes for SmartSite tools, and don’t forget that with a new release, comes a new webinar to learn about these changes from our trainer – keep an eye on your emails for upcoming webinar dates.
- SmartWaste Software Release Notes
- YellowJacket Software Release Notes
This page details all modifications and updates made to the generic SmartWaste Tool. If you have any questions about these changes please contact the team.
SmartWaste Version 11 – 16 October 2023
This release contains new features and improvements including a new customisable company dashboard, updates to the API, reporting improvements, updated carbon factors for waste management routes and changes to data for completed projects.
Adding data improvements
Completed projects
When a project’s end date is reached, a project is marked as complete. Data can continue to be added or edited until 3 months from a project’s end date. After this time the project will be locked meaning data will be read only, it can no longer be added to or edited. The project end date can be updated if access is still required to the project after this time.
Users require unique email address
When adding users, new data validation will check whether the email address is already within SmartWaste and provides an error message if it does.
New waste type: 08 01 18
Waste type “wastes from paint or varnish removal other than those mentioned in 08 01 17” has been added to the main category “Other wastes”.
Reporting enhancements
NEW customisable company dashboard
Visually display and report on key company metrics by creating your own dashboards to run at group and business unit levels. Choose and arrange widgets on your dashboard to present data for waste, energy, water, materials, and carbon. There are currently 23 widgets available. Multiple widgets can be selected and added at the same time. Widget types vary and include numerical tiles, doughnut, line, and column charts. Filter the dashboard by date range to view the data you are most interested in. Depending on the date filters selected, data in the widgets may be grouped by month, quarter, or year. Dashboards can be downloaded to pdf for easy sharing.
A system generated “Company summary” dashboard is available to all accounts as an example. Super users, company admins (top level) and company admins can create, edit and delete dashboards. Super users can pin a favourite dashboard for the company which will always load first, but other saved dashboards can be selected from the list to be run.
All users, except those with no access to company information, can run and filter dashboards. For super users, company admins (top level) and company admins, dashboards will display data aggregated for all projects. If the dashboard is run at group level this will include data for all projects in the account. If run at business unit level, the dashboard will include data for all projects in that business unit. For project admins and project users, the dashboard will only include data from projects to which the user has access (i.e. to which they have been assigned).
Please note, when creating a dashboard, widgets show example data only, not live data. Once your dashboard is saved and published, click on the eye icon in the dashboard list or navigate to the dashboard tab to view your live data for the dashboard. Waste widgets in tonnes show data for tonnage projects only. Waste widgets in volume show data for volume projects only.
A guidance document and full video tutorial on using company dashboards is available from the help page.
Carbon factors updated
Carbon conversion factors have been updated for waste management routes using the latest UK Government greenhouse gas conversion factors and have been applied from 1 April 2023. We are no longer using the WRAP carbon factors for C&D waste as these are no longer updated.
If you enter project data in SmartWaste for waste, these carbon conversion factors will automatically be applied to your data to calculate your carbon impacts.
The carbon factors used within SmartWaste can be viewed by navigating to the Help page and clicking on the link “View carbon factors” which will take you to a page with individual links to tables showing the carbon conversion factors for waste, energy, materials, transport and water. Please note, waste carbon factors are not available for some main and sub waste categories. Waste categories without carbon factors will display as zero.
Waste types and routes report update
For volume projects, the waste types and routes report has been updated to use actual tonnes where this has been entered plus estimated tonnes for entries without actual tonnes. The estimated tonnage is calculated using Environment Agency conversion factors applied the bulk volume of waste.
Summary report download: traffic lights for data entry
The download of the summary report (available at group and business unit level) has been updated to include the traffic light red, amber and green status for when data was last entered.
Waste data log download: additional column for user’s name
To assist with data health checks, the download of the waste data log has been updated to include the name of the user who added or edited the waste entry.
KPI report: format update
When creating a KPI report without selecting the breakdown by business unit or breakdown by project options, the report now uses the improved KPI report format which provides a clearer view and download of data with traffic light status for performance against target.
New fuel data log download
A data download has been added to the fuel use data log.
API enhancements
New calls for material suppliers
The SmartWaste API has been expanded to allow saving, updating and assigning of material suppliers.
The full list of calls for material suppliers is now:
• getMaterialSuppliers
• saveMaterialSupplierToCompany
• saveMaterialSupplierToProject
• updateMaterialSupplier (pid/material-suppliers/{supplierID})
• updateMaterialSupplier (material-suppliers/{supplierID})
• assignSupplierToProject
• unassignSupplierFromProject
Data for completed projects
To align with changes noted in the “Adding data improvements” section above, the API has been updated in relation to completed projects. After 3 months from a project’s end date, API users are unable to add/edit/delete data for that project across all modules in the API. API users can still view/get existing data at any time after a project’s end date.
Updating waste carriers and destinations
The calls updateWasteCarrier and updateWasteDestination have been updated so that details for carriers and destinations which have not been assigned to projects can also be updated.
Transport data and fuel consumption calculation
The calls relating to transport data have been updated to ensure that upon saving/updating, the fuel consumption figure is calculated the same way it is in the online pages of SmartWaste, using conversion factors for the vehicle and fuel type (where available).
Improvements to file storage for uploaded files.
SmartWaste Version 10.7 – 31 July 2023
This release contains security enhancements featuring the addition of Single sign-on as a login option, plus updated carbon factors.
Security enhancements
Single sign-on
BRE is certified to a Government-backed cyber security scheme called Cyber Essentials Plus, developed and operated by the National Cyber Security Centre. Cyber Essentials is considered the best first step in protecting your company and customers against the most basic cyber security breaches. Following Cyber Essentials Plus guidelines we have implemented two new enhanced levels of user authentication when logging into SmartWaste. Single sign-on (SSO) was added as part of this release (Version 10.7) and Multifactor authentication (MFA) was added in Version 10.6.
Single sign-on (SSO) provides greater levels of security to authenticate users logging into SmartWaste via a company’s internal credentials enabling staff to login to multiple applications. The SmartWaste SSO solution uses Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) to authenticate each user. Once a SmartWaste account is linked to Azure AD, users will be able to automatically login to SmartWaste.
There will be times when Microsoft Azure AD requires a user logging into SmartWaste via SSO to authenticate their user account using the Microsoft Authenticator app. This includes when a user has cleared their web browser cache, is logging in from a different computer or device, the 30 day time limit has lapsed, or changes have been made by the user’s internal IT department. In these scenarios it is likely that a user will be asked to confirm the account email they are logging in with and enter a number shown on the screen into the Microsoft Authenticator app.
Two guidance documents are available from the technical guidance section of the SmartWaste help page which can be accessed when you are logged in to your account. Technical guidance 20 provides information for the super user about setting up your account to use SSO. Technical guidance 21 provides information for all users on how to log in using SSO and is also available from the login page in case a user is experiencing difficulties when logging in.
Only the SmartWaste super user has the permission to activate Single sign-on for their account and users. Please contact the SmartWaste team if you wish to implement Single sign-on for your account. Several checks need to be completed before SSO can be switched on for a SmartWaste account. We will take you through the steps required including you contacting all your users to provide them with details of what to expect. It is important to consider the impact SSO will have on your user’s login experience and ensure it suits them and your company IT requirements.
If the super user does not wish for SSO to be activated for their users, no action is needed. Your users will continue to login with their existing SmartWaste username and password, or you can choose to use MFA.
Reporting enhancements
Carbon factors updated
Carbon conversion factors have been updated for energy, water and transport using the latest UK Government greenhouse gas conversion factors and have been applied from 1 April 2023. The factors for waste management will be in place soon.
Materials embodied carbon data in the ICE Database V3.0 has not changed; therefore, the same factors will continue to apply from 1 April 2023.
If you enter project data in SmartWaste for energy use, water use, transport, waste and/or materials then the carbon conversion factors will automatically be applied to your data to calculate your carbon impacts.
The carbon factors used within SmartWaste can be viewed by navigating to the Help page and clicking on the link “View carbon factors” which will take you to a page with individual links to tables showing the carbon conversion factors for waste, energy, materials, transport and water.
SmartWaste Version 10.6 – 26 June 2023
This release contains new features and improvements including the option to use multifactor authentication, updates to the API and new data validation checks.
Security enhancements
Multifactor Authentication
BRE is certified to a Government-backed cyber security scheme called Cyber Essentials Plus, Developed and operated by the National Cyber Security Centre. Cyber Essentials is considered the best first step in protecting your company and customers against the most basic cyber security breaches. Following Cyber Essentials Plus guidelines we are implementing two new enhanced levels of user authentication when logging into SmartWaste. Multifactor authentication (MFA) was added as part of this release (Version 10.6) and Single Sign-On (SSO) will be added as part of the upcoming Version 10.7.
Multifactor authentication (MFA) provides an additional layer of security to prevent unauthorised users from accessing your company’s SmartWaste account. With MFA all users will be required to follow a new two-part login process to access SmartWaste using the Microsoft Authenticator app on a mobile device. Alternatively, MFA can generate a one-time password for user authentication via a user’s
registered email.
A guidance document (technical guidance 19) is available from the technical guidance section of the SmartWaste help page which can be accessed when you are logged in to your account. This explains MFA and how to set it up for your account and what users need to do to log in using MFA.
Only the SmartWaste super user has the permission to activate multifactor authentication (MFA) for their account and users. It is important to consider the impact MFA will have on your user’s login experience and ensure it suits them and your company IT requirements. We recommend that super users provide all users with 1 to 2 weeks’ notice before activating MFA and that you share the MFA guidance document with them.
If the super user does not wish for MFA to be activated for their users, no action is needed. Your users will continue to login with their existing SmartWaste username and password.
When setting up multifactor authentication the super user can decide how often users will be prompted to authenticate their SmartWaste account using the Microsoft Authenticator app e.g. every 30, 60, 90 days. Once a user has successfully logged into SmartWaste via MFA they won’t have to use the app or generate a one-time password via email during this time period. After the time period set by the super user has elapsed, users will be prompted to use the Microsoft Authenticator app to login (or generate a one-time password via email).
Adding data improvements
BREEAM UK New Construction V6 added
BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6 has been added as a scheme option on the add/edit project page, “Do any of these apply to your project?” field. If you select BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6 here, the necessary fields related to data collection and reporting for this BREEAM scheme will automatically appear throughout the tool. A document showing how and where SmartWaste can be used to collate data and evidence required for BREEAM UK New construction V6 is available from the help page.
Project type/Work Stream – new option ‘In Use’
On the add/edit project page, a new option of ‘In Use’ has been added to the dropdown list for “Project type/Work Stream”.
Updates to validation checks on bulk upload forms
New validation checks have been added to date fields in the data bulk upload forms for all modules. These checks will ensure the date for entries is not far in the past or the future, in order to reduce errors in data. When uploading, if any errors with dates are found, no data will be uploaded but an error message is displayed and the error report generated will detail the date error. The original upload file should be amended and re-uploaded.
Waste bulk upload form for volume projects
On the waste bulk upload form for volume projects the dropdown options for ‘Compaction’ have been updated. Users are now able to select ‘Other’ and specify the void percentage for the waste container. This is now in line with the existing method of adding data via the online add waste data form.
Pre-construction projects
Pre-construction projects (projects with a start date in the future) will no longer be included in the live project count for the company licence limit. The data that can be added to pre-construction projects is limited to:
- the Site Waste Management Plan
- assigning waste carriers and destination, subcontractors, material suppliers and users
Reporting enhancements
Project spend data log
Entries in the project spend data log are now arranged in descending date order, i.e. most recent entry appears first, through to the oldest entry appearing last.
API enhancements
getKPIs call: Changes to throttle limits
The overnight throttle limit (7pm to 7am) on the getKPIs call has been reduced to 20 seconds with the daytime limit (7am to 7pm) remaining at 50 seconds.
getKPIs call: New project parameters filter
Project parameters has been added as a filter option for the getKPIs call. The project parameters are set up at company level and are applied to projects as required.
Validation of recycling rates
Recycling rates can now only be added for the SmartWaste main waste categories, not for sub-categories. This is in line with the existing method of adding data via the online add recycling rates form within SmartWaste.
Improvements to documentation version numbers
The API documentation includes version numbers which show how the API has evolved over time, recording the order in which calls have been released. However, there is only one maintained version of the API for use, you cannot choose to use one numbered version over another. Please note that as part of the url when making calls, v1 is always used to refer to the maintained version.
The version numbers, i.e. order in which API calls have been released is:
1. Authenticate, get companies, get projects, get contractors, get waste items, get transport
1.1 save waste item
1.2 update contractors
1.3 assigning and saving contractors and update waste item
2. Materials 2021 April
3. KPIs
4. Energy 2021 August
i-buttons have been updated in the following locations:
- Date field on add data pages for all modules
o Date earlier than the project start date DD/MM/YYYY is not valid
Other guidance
- New technical guidance documents have been added to the help page:
o Technical guidance 18 – Technical Guidance for BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6
o Technical guidance 19 – Multifactor authentication (MFA) explained
SmartWaste Version 10.5 – 27 February 2023
This release contains new features and enhancements including updates to the Application Programming Interface (API), validation check improvements for dates and adding data and updated fuel consumption factors.
Adding data improvements
Staff transport bulk upload
The number of rows available to populate in the staff transport bulk upload has been increased from 200 to 1000. Please note that if you are uploading the full 1000 rows of data, this could take almost 2 minutes to complete, so please be patient and do not refresh your browser.
New waste type added to main category hazardous waste
07 03 11* Sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances
Edit project details: New items in contractual agreement drop down list
Two new items have been added to the contractual agreement drop down list: JCT and NEC4.
Updates to validation checks on add data pages
The validation checks on add data forms have been updated so that they provide clear error notifications for fields that require attention before the form can be saved. New validation checks have also been added to date fields to ensure that the date entered is not far in the past or the future, in order to reduce errors in data.
User permission updates
The following user permissions have been updated and the user permission matrix has been updated to reflect this:
- Super user and top-level company admin are now able to:
- delete unused/unassigned waste destinations
- delete unused/unassigned waste carrier licences
- delete unused/unassigned waste destination environmental permits
- delete unused/unassigned supplier certificates for material suppliers
- Project admin users are now able to:
- Delete transactional data from all modules (previously permission was only for waste)
- Super user and top-level company admin are now able to:
Reporting enhancements
Updated fuel consumption factors for 2023 calendar year
The UK Government fuel consumption factors for transport mode and fuel type have not changed since last year, therefore the same factors will continue to apply to your SmartWaste transport data for the calendar year 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
Waste over time chart: improvement to scale for time
The scale for time has been improved so that data points are shown weekly for up to 1 years’ worth of data after which point, they will switch to monthly data points.
New Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
New waste KPIs have been added for:
- Volume of non-hazardous waste reused (on or off site)
- Volume of non-hazardous waste landfilled directly
- Volume of non-hazardous waste recycled directly
- Volume of non-hazardous waste sent for recovery
If you wish to use these KPIs, please activate them in your account at the company level via the “Company details” tab and then “View KPIs” button.
Waste transport log download
The waste transport log download has been updated to show the project name, project reference and the filters selected on the log before it was downloaded.
Project fuel log: horizonal navigation bar added
A horizontal navigation bar has been added to the project fuel log to enable easy scrolling to view all data.
API enhancements
API: updates to calls to extract transactional data updated within specified date ranges
Transactional data get calls updated with a date filter enabling retrieval of data added/edited within a specified date range, enabling only the required data set to be obtained rather than having to obtain the entire data set.
API: Editing recycling rates and updating waste data
New process added to automatically recalculate waste data if recycling rates are updated via the API.
Guidance text added or updated in the following locations:
Pre-demolition audit summary report: Please note that the filters for the date range will run based on the end date of the projects.
- i-button – Total fuel consumption (ltr): This figure will be automatically calculated for Car – Average, HGVs and Van – Average (up to 3.5 tonnes) using a litre per km UK Government fuel consumption factor multiplied by the total distance entered. A figure will not be calculated for Car – Small, Medium or Large, Van – Class I (up to 1.305 tonnes), Van Class II (1.305 – 1.74 tonnes) and Van Class III (1.74 to 3.5 tonnes), as no UK Government fuel consumption factors are available for these vehicle types.
- i-button – Company options for turning on traffic lights: If activated, traffic lights on the project dashboard identify when data was last entered on the project. Default settings automatically applied, can be changed here. The traffic light colour shown is based on whether data has been entered within the set number of days. The default settings are for data entered in the last 30 days (green light), 60 days (amber light) and if no data for over 60 days (red light). The traffic light is based on the date of the record entered or the date period of ‘no data’ entered, it is not calculated from when data was last added to the project by users.
- Project dashboard – hover over text for waste traffic lights (number of days shown will be based on your account settings): As of today’s date there have been no waste data entries or periods of ‘no data’ for waste for over XX days. Please note: this is based on the date of transfer of waste or date period of ‘no data’ for waste and is not based on when this data was last added to the project by users.
SmartWaste Version 10.4 – 19 November 2022
This release contains new features and enhancements including reporting improvements, updates to the API and updated carbon factors.
Adding data improvements
Bulk uploads: file size limit error message
When adding a bulk upload to any module in SmartWaste the system will check if the file being uploaded is within the file size limit of 3 MB. If the file size is larger than 3 MB it will not be uploaded and an error message will be displayed saying “ERROR: Sorry this file is too large. File size limit 3 MB”.
Bulk upload files are usually less than 3 MB in size. If you receive the file size error while trying to upload, please check the file as this often means the file has become corrupt in some way.
Project spend log: new column to show data added via bulk upload
A new column called “Data added via bulk upload” has been added to the project spend log. If project spend data has been added via bulk upload, then “Yes” will be shown in this new column. If the data has NOT been added via bulk upload, then “No” will show in the column.
Transport: fuel type selection mandatory for car and van vehicle types
Where transport information is entered in SmartWaste, it is now mandatory for the fuel type to be selected for car and van vehicle types so that the carbon emissions can be correctly calculated.
Reporting enhancements
Carbon factors updated
Carbon conversion factors have been updated for energy, water, transport and waste using the latest UK Government greenhouse gas conversion factors and have been applied from 1 April 2022.
Materials embodied carbon data in the ICE Database V3.0 has not changed; therefore, the same factors will continue to apply from 1 April 2022.
If you enter project data in SmartWaste for energy use, water use, transport, waste and/or materials then these carbon conversion factors will automatically be applied to your data to calculate your carbon impacts.
The carbon factors used within SmartWaste can be viewed by navigating to the Help page and clicking on the link “View carbon factors” which will take you to a page with individual links to tables showing the carbon conversion factors for waste, energy, materials, transport and water.
New downloads: company targets, waste management contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers
New downloads have been added to pages which list your company targets, waste management contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers to assist with housekeeping.
New reports: pre-demolition audit and SWMP summary reports
Two new reports are available at group and business unit levels which enable you to quickly and easily view an overview of progress against the steps within a pre-demolition audit or Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) for all projects at the same time. Find these reports at group and business unit levels in the reporting tab, under the waste section of the left-hand menu. .
Project linking: project owners can see waste management contractor details
At project level, the waste carrier and waste destination reports show all carriers and destinations assigned to the project, including any assigned by external contractors to which you have linked your project. These reports have been updated to include address details for the carriers and destinations so that you can see all details required for Duty of Care purposes.
API enhancements
Error message improvements
The error message received if a call has not been successful has been updated to provide a short description of the reason, instead of a generic 500 error.
Updates to getKPIs call
To improve performance, a couple of updates have been made to the getKPIs call:
- Call optimised to reduce processing time
- Write limit (or throttle limit) applied meaning only one getKPIs call request can be made by an API user every 5 minutes. We will monitor performance and reduce this limit where possible.
Updated labels for fields which refer to dates
The labels for fields which refer to dates have been updated to help avoid confusion between whether the fields relate to data start and end dates or project start and end dates. Fields which refer to project start and end dates have been updated to include “Project” in the field name.
Get project(s) calls updated
The getProject and getProjects calls have been updated to include the project parameter field.
Save and update waste destination calls updated
The following calls have been updated to allow a waste destination to be saved without a licence expiry date:
- saveWasteDestinationToCompany
- saveWasteDestinationToProject
- updateWasteDestination
New video added to the help page:
- SmartWaste Demonstration: Overview of the tool, its benefits and capabilities and a live demonstration of SmartWaste in action
Guidance text added to the following locations:
- Energy and water charts: Please note that the data shown is based on the start date of the reporting period and filters for the date range will run based on the start date of the data entries.
- Add data pages for energy and water: If your reporting period spans multiple months, for better reporting accuracy please split it into entries for individual months.
- Data validation message if saving energy and water data that spans more than 1 month: This data entry spans a time period of more than one month but the data will appear in charts and reports for the month of “DD/MM/YYYY” only. If you would like to split the data so that it is recorded for separate months, please update the dates and usage for this entry and add additional entries to cover the remaining usage.
- When saving electricity or natural gas data, if the ‘Date from’ is before the ‘Date to’: ‘Date to’ must be after ‘Date from’.
SWMP step 5 Duty of Care
Update of text to change “Environment Agency in Wales” to “Natural Resources Wales (NRW)”.
SmartWaste Version 10.3 – 23 July 2022
This release contains new features and enhancements including an improved process for data bulk uploads, new search function when adding waste destinations, new company customisable project level parameters, and updated filters for various reports.
Adding Data Improvements
Improved process for data bulk uploads
The process for saving data bulk uploads for all modules at all levels has been updated to help avoid duplication of data. When adding a bulk upload of data to a module using an excel or csv file at project or company level SmartWaste will check the file for errors. If any errors are found, no data will be uploaded. Instead, an error message is displayed and an error report generated detailing the errors that require amending in the original upload file before you try to upload it again. Please note, you cannot make amendments to the error report, instead update the original file then upload it again.
The view past uploads log page for each module has been updated to show the status of all attempted uploads with meanings as follows:
Status | Meaning | Options provided in the log | How to correct errors |
Uploaded | All the records in the file have been uploaded. | Download the file that was uploaded. | N/A |
No records uploaded | One or more of the records in the file contain errors and none of the records have been uploaded. | Download the errors report (which shows the records with errors).
Download a copy of the original file that was uploaded. |
1. Download the errors report to identify the issues.
2. Amend the original file to correct these errors. 3. Upload the latest version of the file without errors.
Please note, you cannot make amendments to the error report, instead update the original file then upload it again. |
Partially uploaded | Applies to files uploaded prior to July 2022.
Where a file contained some records with errors, the records without errors were uploaded and the records with errors were not. |
The log shows how many records were uploaded successfully and how many had errors.
Download the errors report. Download a copy of the original file that was uploaded. |
1. Download the error report to identify the issues.
2. Amend the original file to correct these errors. 3. Delete the first version of the upload from SmartWaste (via the view past uploads log). 4. Upload the latest amended version of the file without errors.
The instructions documents for each bulk upload have been updated to explain the saving process, status information and how to correct errors.
New search function when adding waste destinations
When adding waste facilities/destinations to a waste contractor (carrier), a new search box will appear asking you to enter the name of the waste facility/destination so that SmartWaste can check to see if it already exists in your company account. This search will look at waste destinations within all waste contractors (carriers) set up in your account and will list any waste facilities set up under these which have a name like the one you typed. This is so you can first check whether the facility/destination already exists to help reduce duplication of data. Links are provided in the search result list to take you to the facility and/or contractor (carrier) details to check information before adding a new destination. If the waste facility/destination you searched for is not listed, then you can click on the ‘Add new facility/destination’ button to create a new one.
Company customisable project level parameters
Project level parameters are a company specific list of names that a super user can create to help better identify different types of projects. As the list is customisable by your company it is very flexible and can be set up to specifically meet the needs of your business. A filter for project parameters is available on the KPI report to provide you with more ways to report on specific business categories.
How to set up project parameters: Navigate to the company details tab and click on the “View project parameters” button which will take you to a page where you can set up new parameters using the “Add” button and view, edit and delete any existing parameters in your account. There is one project parameters list which is managed at the top level for the account. Only super users can add, edit and delete parameters from the list.
How to use project parameters: On the add/edit project page there is a new optional drop-down field called “Project parameters”. Once parameters have been set up via the company details tab, they will show in this dropdown list. If there are no parameters appearing in the list, this means none have been set up for the account. Project parameters can be selected for new and existing projects using the add/edit project page. Currently only one parameter can be selected per project.
How to filter using project parameters on the KPI report: KPI reports available at group and business unit levels have a new filter called “Project parameters”. The default is for projects with all parameters to be included in the report. To filter the report to show data for projects with a specific parameter only, please select an item from the project parameter filter drop down list and run the report.
New waste types added
Two new waste types have been added:
- 08 03 12* waste ink containing hazardous substances
- Added under the main waste type “Hazardous”
- 08 03 13 waste ink other than those mentioned in 08 03 12
- Added under the main waste type “Other Waste”
Reporting Improvements
Waste management routes report: New filter “Group by destinations”
A new filter called “Group by destinations” has been added to the “Waste management routes report” available at the group and business unit levels. When used, this filter will group the data displayed in the report by waste destinations for each project. This provides a view of how much waste has been dealt with by each destination for each project and which waste management routes the waste went to.
Data logs for modules with bulk upload functionality: New filter “Data added via bulk upload”
The waste, materials, energy (electricity, natural gas and fuel use), transport (material, waste and staff transport) and social value modules all have bulk upload functionality. On the data logs for these modules a new column has been added called “Data added via bulk upload” to enable easy identification of data that has been added via a bulk upload form through the display of “Yes” in this new column. The data logs for waste, materials, fuel, transport and social value also have a new filter allowing filtering to view either all data, bulk uploaded data or non-bulk uploaded data.
Waste data log: New filter “QA Check”
A new filter called “QA Check” has been added to the waste data log to help with the QA (Quality Assurance) of waste data. The filter enables you to search for waste records that have been QA checked or not based on the records from the existing column called “QA check”. The new filter is a drop down allowing you to select “All data” (default selection), Data with QA check or Data without QA check.
Other Improvements
The Company details page has been updated to show the SmartWaste account super user details at all levels within the account to help users identify and contact their super users if they have any questions about the implementation of SmartWaste within their business.
i-buttons have been added in the following locations:
- BREEAM report – Electricity kgCO2e figure (Utility Consumption part of Man 03 Responsible construction practices section):
- Calculated using UK Government greenhouse gas emissions factors for UK location-based grid averages (scope 2) and “transmission and distribution” and “well to tank” factors (scope 3)
- Electricity meter log – kgCO2e column header:
- Calculated using UK Government greenhouse gas emissions factors for UK location-based grid averages (scope 2) and “transmission and distribution” and “well to tank” factors (scope 3)
- Electricity meter log – Market-based kgCO2e column header:
- Calculated using your market-based emissions factor for this meter’s renewables tariff (scope 2) and the UK Government greenhouse gas emissions factors for “transmission and distribution” and “well to tank” (scope 3)
- Project level – “Electricity data for Project” page:
- All carbon figures calculated here include Scope 2 (electricity supplied) and Scope 3 (from “transmission and distribution” and “well to tank”). Please use the KPI reports to produce reports for Scope 2 only or Scope 3 only.
- Electricity meter log – Green i-button (for data with reporting period of 1 April 2021 or later):
- Please be aware that no (Scope 2) market-based factor has been entered for this date, therefore this market-based figure represents Scope 3 emissions only.
- Waste data log – Page numbering:
- Please note: the numbering shown here relates to the number of rows displayed in the log rather than the number of waste records. A waste record containing more than one type of waste will be shown over multiple rows, one row for each waste type.
Guidance text added to the following locations:
- Waste data bulk upload page
- Option 1: excel format bulk waste data form with dropdown lists (only main waste types available)
- Option 2: csv format bulk waste data form with separate reference sheet of lists (suitable for copying and pasting, main waste types and sub waste types available)
- Help page – Release webinar name updated
- Month and year the release went live has been added to the release webinars listed in the documentation section
- Archive tab – Landing page
- Please note: Data cannot be added, edited or deleted for archived projects; data is in a read only format.
SmartWaste Version 10.2 – 21 May 2022
This release contains new features and improvements including a new company level bulk upload for fuel use data and updated scoring for the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) 2022 Code of Practice.
Adding Data Improvements
Bulk upload of project data at group and business unit levels for fuel use
This new bulk upload function enables super users and top-level company admin users to quickly upload fuel use data for multiple projects simultaneously at the group or business unit level. Using this new company level upload for project data will help reduce the time taken to add data.
Find this bulk upload feature in the “Add data” tab available on the group and business unit level home pages. Then in the left-hand menu click on “Fuel” under “Energy” to navigate to the add data page for fuel use where you will find the following:
- A csv template to download and complete with your data.
- A csv reference data documentlisting the details you will need for project name, fuel type, contractor name, and type of fuel use in order to complete your data template for upload.
- A detailed guidance document explaining how to use the new company level bulk upload function. Please read these to help you successfully upload your data.
- A location to upload your completed file.
- A link to view past uploads where you can see all past uploads and any associated error reports and, if necessary, delete a bulk upload.
When you uploaded a csv file using this new bulk upload, the fuel data from the csv file will be instantly and automatically added to each of your projects which can then be viewed and interrogated as usual either from the fuel data log at the project level or reports at all levels.
Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) 2022 Code of Practice Scoring
The CCS module has been updated in line with the new CCS 2022 Code of Practice scoring which came into effect on 1 January 2022.
The 2022 Code of Practice has three sections (previously five):
- Respect the Community (includes appearance)
- Care for the Environment
- Value their Workforce (includes site safety)
The Overall scoring remains aligned to the previous report score total. The new 2022 scoring is:
- A maximum of 15 points per section, therefore a total of 45 points for a fully compliant site (these scores are available on the CCS Monitor’s Site Report)
- A maximum of 5 points available for Innovations and Best Practices (these scores are available on the CCS Insights Dashboard)
- Making a total of 50 points available from the monitoring activity
- 27 points is the minimum conformance score (previously 25 points)
In SmartWaste, the add CCS data page at the project level has been updated so that the date you enter for the site visit will automatically show the relevant CCS code sections and validations on the data entry, in line with the potential maximum points per section:
- For visits with a date prior to 1 January 2022:
- The 2019 Code of Practice scoring will be displayed, made up of 5 code sections and the “Additional innovation points” section.
- CCS scores for visits prior to 1 January 2022 using the 2019 scoring can still be added and edited within SmartWaste.
- For visits with a date on or after 1 January 2022:
- The 2022 Code of Practice scoring will be displayed, made up of 3 code sections and the additional “Innovations and Best Practices” section.
In line with these changes, reporting has been updated in various ways:
- CCS log at project level: new i-button next to the total CCS score detailing which Code of Practice scoring is associated with the score displayed.
- CCS report at project level: if the project has multiple CCS visit dates that fall within both Code of Practice versions, then the data will be shown in two separate tables in order to display the relevant code section scores.
- CCS report, charts and detailed information report at group and business unit level: date filters on these reports and charts cannot span the two calendar years of 2021 and 2022. The relevant CCS code sections will be displayed in the report depending on the year for which data is filtered.
SmartWaste Version 10.1 – 19 March 2022
This release contains new features and improvements including a new social value measure report, renewable energy tariffs for electricity, additional KPIs for waste, social value and carbon, plus other improvements.
Reporting Enhancements
Social value measure report
A new social value measure report is now available at all reporting levels in SmartWaste – Group/Company, Business unit and Project. This report provides a total figure for each social value measure (in the unit of the measure). The report can be filtered in the usual way using date ranges, project status, project archived/non-archived, labels and social value measure. A csv download of the report is also available.
New KPIs added
The following new carbon KPIs have been added, for further details see the Renewable energy tariffs for electricity meters and use below:
• Tonnes CO2e from all electricity supplied from all tariffs, location-based factors only (scope 2)
• Tonnes CO2e from electricity supplied from non-renewable tariffs, location-based factors (scope 2)
• Tonnes CO2e from electricity supplied from renewables tariffs, location-based factors (scope 2)
• Tonnes CO2e from electricity supplied from renewables tariffs, market-based factors (Scope 2)
• Tonnes CO2e from all electricity supplied from non-renewable and renewables tariffs, location-based plus market-based (Scope 2)
The following new KPIs have been added for waste arising from the project phase “modular”:
• Volume of modular waste
• Volume of modular waste/£100k project value
• Volume of modular waste/£million project spend
• Volume of modular waste/£100k project spend
• Volume of modular waste/100m2 floor area
• % modular waste to total waste volume
• Volume of modular waste diverted from landfill
• Volume of modular waste diverted from landfill/£100k project value
• Volume of modular waste diverted from landfill/£million project spend
• Volume of modular waste diverted from landfill/£100k project spend
• Volume of modular waste diverted from landfill /100m2 floor area
• % modular waste diverted from landfill volume
• Tonnes modular waste
• Tonnes modular waste/£100k project value
• Tonnes modular waste/£million project spend
• Tonnes modular waste/£100k project spend
• Tonnes modular waste/100m2 floor area
• % modular waste to total waste tonnage
• Tonnes modular waste diverted from landfill
• Tonnes modular waste diverted from landfill/£100k project value
• Tonnes modular waste diverted from landfill /£million project spend
• Tonnes modular waste diverted from landfill /£100k project spend
• Tonnes modular waste diverted from landfill/100m2 floor area
• % Modular waste diverted from landfill tonnage
The following new KPIs have been added for waste arising from the project phase “post-completion”:
• Volume of post-completion waste
• Volume of post-completion waste/£100k project value
• Volume of post-completion waste/£million project spend
• Volume of post-completion waste/£100k project spend
• Volume of post-completion waste/100m2 floor area
• % post-completion waste to total waste volume
• Volume of post-completion waste diverted from landfill
• Volume of post-completion waste diverted from landfill/£100k project value
• Volume of post-completion waste diverted from landfill/£million project spend
• Volume of post-completion waste diverted from landfill/£100k project spend
• Volume of post-completion waste diverted from landfill /100m2 floor area
• % post-completion waste diverted from landfill volume
• Tonnes post-completion waste
• Tonnes post-completion waste/£100k project value
• Tonnes post-completion waste/£million project spend
• Tonnes post-completion waste/£100k project spend
• Tonnes post-completion waste/100m2 floor area
• % post-completion waste to total waste tonnage
• Tonnes post-completion waste diverted from landfill
• Tonnes post-completion waste diverted from landfill/£100k project value
• Tonnes post-completion waste diverted from landfill /£million project spend
• Tonnes post-completion waste diverted from landfill/£100k project spend
• Tonnes post-completion waste diverted from landfill/100m2 floor area
• % post-completion waste diverted from landfill tonnage
The following new cost KPIs have been added which show the financial benefit of your social value measures using your company entered financial proxy values applied to your measure data:
• Social value using financial proxy for amount (£) donated to local, charitable causes
• Social value using financial proxy for amount (£) spent with the local supply chain
• Social value using financial proxy for amount (£) spent by your supply chain with local Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
• Social value using financial proxy for amount (£) spent by your supply chain with local Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises (VSCEs)
• Social value using financial proxy for car miles saved
• Social value using financial proxy for site visits
• Social value using financial proxy for hours volunteered
• Social value using financial proxy for weeks apprentices have worked
• Social value using financial proxy for armed forces veterans employed
• Social value using financial proxy for ex-offenders employed
• Social value using financial proxy for homeless people employed
• Social value using financial proxy for local people employed
• Social value using financial proxy for long-term unemployed people employed
• Social value using financial proxy for mothers returning to work employed
• Social value using financial proxy for people with disabilities employed
Updated fuel consumption factors
The fuel consumption factors applied within SmartWaste to vehicle type and fuel type to calculate fuel consumption have been updated in line with the latest data released by the UK Government in December 2021. The data sources are available on the website.
New factors for the vehicle types cars and vans have been applied to the calendar year 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. No new data has been released for HGVs, therefore the most up to date data available has been applied for the calendar year 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 for HGVs.
Carbon scopes 1, 2 and 3 reporting
We would like to remind users that as part of SmartWaste Version 10, new carbon calculations for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions came into effect. The latest UK Government greenhouse gas reporting emission conversion factors are now applied to any data in SmartWaste with a record date of 1 April 2021 onwards in a new way which provides the split between scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in addition to the total. This separate scope reporting can be achieved using the KPI report. For any data with a record date prior to 1 April 2021, the old SmartWaste methodology still applies meaning that the split between carbon scopes 1, 2, and 3 is not available, only a total figure is available.
Adding Data Improvements
Renewable energy tariffs for electricity meters and use
In SmartWaste, electricity use is recorded against meters on individual projects. You are now able to record whether a meter is linked to a renewables tariff, provide a text description about that tariff and enter scope 2 market-based carbon emissions factors for that renewables tariff if you wish (optional).
To identify a meter as being linked to a renewable tariff, on the “Add/edit electricity meter” page, tick the new check box called “This meter uses a renewable tariff”. Details about the tariff can be recorded in the “Tariff Details” field which appears once the check box is ticked. Once the details are saved, a green coloured “Renewable Energy” label and an “Add market-based factor” button will be displayed in the top right corner of the meter pod. Click on the “Add market-based factor” button to add Scope 2 market-based carbon emission factors (kgCO2e per kWh, provided to you by your renewables tariff supplier) based on date ranges.
The market-based factors you enter will be applied to data added for that meter and will be displayed in the new column in the meter log called “Market-based kgCO2e”. This column also includes the scope 3 kgCO2e calculated using the UK Government greenhouse gas scope 3 conversion factors for UK grid electricity which includes “transmission and distribution” and “well to tank”. SmartWaste will continue to provide a UK location-based kgCO2e figure for electricity use based on the UK Government greenhouse gas conversion factors for UK grid electricity (existing column in the meter log called “kgCO2e”).
Additional carbon KPIs have been added to enable reporting of scope 2 and 3 data separately for all meters, meters linked to a renewables tariff and meters not linked to a renewables tariff (see details in “Reporting enhancements – New KPIs added” section above).
Please note that for BREEAM reports generated in SmartWaste, the electricity kgCO2e figure provided in the Utility Consumption part of the Man 03 Responsible construction practices section is calculated using UK Government greenhouse gas emissions factors for UK location-based grid averages (scope 2) and “transmission and distribution” and “well to tank” factors (scope 3).
In addition to a total kgCO2e figure, reporting for the split between scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions is available for data in SmartWaste with a record date of 1 April 2021 onwards. For any data with a record date prior to 1 April 2021, only a total figure is available.
Social value: New comment field and data bulk upload
Data for multiple social value measures can now be uploaded to an individual project using the new social value bulk upload spreadsheet available from the “Add social value data” page.
A new “Comment” field has also been included on the “Add social value data” page, bulk upload spreadsheet and the social value log page so that you can record and view any comments linked to your data.
Transport module
The vehicle type list has been reordered so that all car types now sit together in the list.
Waste module: New waste types
Two new waste types have been added
• Mixtures of wastes from grit chambers and oil/water separators (13 05 08*) under the main waste category Oils (13 01 13*)
• Other solvents and solvent mixtures (14 06 03*) under the main waste category Hazardous waste*
i-buttons have been added in the following locations:
• Transport carbon conversion factors page:
o Car – Small
Petrol/LPG/CNG – up to a 1.4-litre engine
Diesel – up to a 1.7-litre engine
Others – vehicles models of a similar size (i.e. market segment A or B)
o Car – Medium
Petrol/LPG/CNG – from 1.4-litre to 2.0-litre engine
Diesel – from 1.7-litre to 2.0-litre engine
Others – vehicles models of a similar size (i.e. generally market segment C)
o Car – Large
Petrol/LPG/CNG – 2.0-litre engine +
Diesel – 2.0-litre engine +
Others – vehicles models of a similar size (i.e. generally market segment D and above)
• BREEAM report: Electricity kgCO2e figure (Utility Consumption part of Man 03 Responsible construction practices section)
o Calculated using UK Government greenhouse gas emissions factors for UK location-based grid averages (scope 2) and “transmission and distribution” and “well to tank” factors (scope 3)
• Electricity meter log
o kgCO2e column header: Calculated using UK Government greenhouse gas emissions factor for UK location-based grid averages (scope 2) and “transmission and distribution” and “well to tank” factors (scope 3)
o Market-based kgCO2e column header: Calculated using your market-based emissions factor for this meter’s renewables tariff (scope 2) and the UK Government greenhouse gas emissions factors for “transmission and distribution” and “well to tank” (scope 3)
o Market-based kgCO2e column data – green i-button: Please be aware that there is no market-based figure for this date, therefore this figure assumes scope 2 emissions are zero and shows scope 3 emissions
• Add market-based factor page – “Market-based factor” field
o ‘If your supplier has provided information on the carbon emission factor for the electricity supplied please enter it here. If no data is entered, then the emission factor will be assumed to be zero.
Guidance text added to the following locations:
• All levels – Carbon summary report: Energy use dated 1st April 2007 onwards, total CO2e figures are for all scopes from 1st April 2021 for the energy type and for electricity use this is applying the Government greenhouse gas emissions factor for location-based grid averages.
• All levels – Carbon charts: Energy use dated 1st April 2007 onwards, total CO2e figures are for all scopes from 1st April 2021 for the energy type and for electricity use this is applying the Government greenhouse gas emissions factor for location-based grid averages.
• All levels – Energy charts: Total CO2e figures are for all scopes from 1st April 2021 for the energy type and for electricity use this is applying the Government greenhouse gas emissions factor for location-based grid averages.
• Group & business unit levels – Add data>Energy>Electricity: Please only enter start/end readings or a usage value, do not enter both.
• Group & business unit levels – Add data>Energy>Natural gas: Please only enter start/end readings or a usage value, do not enter both.
• Group & business unit levels – Energy CO2e report: Total CO2e figures are for all scopes from 1st April 2021 for the energy type and for electricity use this is applying the Government greenhouse gas emissions factor for location-based grid averages.
• Project level – Energy report: Total CO2e figures are for all scopes from 1st April 2021 for the energy type and for electricity use this is applying the Government greenhouse gas emissions factor for location-based grid averages.
• Project level – Electricity data for Project page: All carbon figures calculated here include Scope 2 (electricity supplied) and Scope 3 (from “transmission and distribution” and “well to tank”). Please use the KPI reports to produce reports for Scope 2 only or Scope 3 only.
Other guidance
• Recording V10 release webinar added to help page.
• When assigning “Read only” users to a business unit, a new check box is available to enable you to easily assign the user to all business units beneath the one in which you are currently located.
• Updated logos to new BRE logo and new SmartWaste logo.
• Updated the contact details and links in the footer on all SmartWaste pages.
• Performance improvement for KPI report to reduce time to run the report and prevent time-out.
SmartWaste Version 10 – 10 December 2021
This release contains new features and improvements as a result of your feedback including a new module for the capture and reporting of social value measures data and their financial values, enhancements to carbon reporting to enable easy scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions reporting and improvements to various modules and reports.
Reporting enhancements
Carbon reporting: Scopes 1, 2 & 3
The carbon factors applied to data within SmartWaste have been updated to provide the split between scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions as well the existing total figures for energy (electricity/gas/fuel) use, water use, transport, materials and waste management routes. The latest UK Government greenhouse gas reporting emission conversion factors have been applied to data in SmartWaste from 1 April 2021.
As before, if you enter project data in SmartWaste for energy use, water use, transport, materials and/or waste then the carbon conversion factors will automatically be applied to your data to calculate carbon impacts. The total carbon emission will be displayed within the data logs. However, now you can also easily report on each of your carbon emission scopes through the KPI report.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been added for the energy, water, transport, materials and waste modules to provide individual KPIs for each of the relevant scopes as well as the total carbon emissions for each module. Existing carbon KPIs have been renamed to clearly indicate what data they include and what scopes they relate to.
To activate the use of these new carbon KPIs in your account, your Super User will need to navigate to your account group/company level, go to the Company details tab, click on the “View KPIs” button then the “Add KPIs” button to select the appropriate KPIs from the list in the carbon section. These KPIs will automatically be assigned to all Business Units and projects within your account.
Remember to add targets for your carbon KPIs so that you can monitor your progress. Your Super User can do this from the group/company level by going to the Company targets tab then clicking on the “Add” button to enter targets within the carbon section for your selected date period. These targets will automatically be assigned to all Business Units and projects within your account.
If you have linked your project to an external contractor to enable them to add their data to your project, any data they enter which has an associated carbon emission will automatically be included in your scope 3 KPI data.
The carbon factors used within SmartWaste can be viewed by navigating to the Help page and clicking on the link “View carbon factors” which will take you to a page with individual links to tables showing the carbon conversion factors for energy, water, transport, materials, and waste.
Waste types & routes report (project level)
Columns for m3/100m2 and m3/£100k have been added to the waste types and routes report for volume projects so that the information presented matches the same report for tonnage projects.
Energy CO2e report (group/company level)
At the group and company level, on the Energy CO2e report, an additional drop down option of “All subcontractors” has been added to the “Fuel contractor” filter. This allows the total kgCO2e for all subcontractors on each project to be easily viewed in the report. Previously the report could only be run for each subcontractor individually.
Waste transport log: API icon
Data in the log has been updated to show an API icon underneath the date of any data entry which has been submitted via the API.
Adding data improvements
NEW MODULE: Social value
The new Social Value module allows you to easily set measures, financial (proxy) values, KPIs and targets, capture data, and analyse and report on the social value impacts for your projects, business units or whole company.
The social value measures in SmartWaste are used to measure desired project outcomes by applying financial (proxy) values to each measure. This enables alternative approaches and priorities to be compared and determine whether a project meets stakeholder needs.
The Social Value measures reported on in SmartWaste are chosen by the account Super User and each project collects the data on the relevant measures suitable for the project. Financial (proxy) values set at a group/company level for each measure are then automatically applied to the measure data added to your SmartWaste projects. The measures and financial values might be determined at project planning and design stages, by stakeholder requirements, or a combination of both.
To start using the Social Value module there are some steps that a Super User will need to complete at the top group/company level of your account before you can add social value data to your projects:
- Turn on the module: at the group/company level, go to the Company details tab, then navigate to the “Company licence modules” pod and click the “Set company module” button to select the Social Value module.
- Assign social value measures: for which your company wishes to collect data. At the group/company level, go to the Company details tab, click on the “View social value measures” button then the “Add social value measures” button to select the appropriate measures from the list. These measures will automatically be assigned to all Business Units and projects within your account.
- Set financial (proxy) values for social measures: that will be automatically applied to social value measure data added to your projects. At the group/company level, go to the Company cost tab, click on “Social value cost” in the left-hand menu then the “Add” button to enter the financial values for your selected date period. You should enter the value in £ that you wish to be applied per single unit of the measure. For measures which already have a unit of £, if you wish the value to be reported as the same value then please enter 1 as the cost. The costs displayed here are company level costs. Please note, at a project level, company costs can be overwritten by the setting of project specific costs if appropriate.
- Assign social value KPIs: that you wish to report on. At the group/company level, go to the Company details tab, click on the “View KPIs” button then the “Add KPIs” button to select the appropriate KPIs from the lists within the cost and social value sections. These KPIs will automatically be assigned to all Business Units and projects within your account.
- Set targets for social value KPIs: so that you can monitor your progress. At the group/company level, go to the Company targets tab then click on the “Add” button to enter targets within the cost and social value sections for your selected date period. These targets will automatically be assigned to all Business Units and projects within your account.
Once these actions are complete you are ready to start adding social value data to projects. At project level, a log of the social value measure data for the project is available. A social value cost report is available at all levels which shows the financial value of your social value measures calculated by applying your financial (proxy) values to your measure data.
Energy module: Fuel use and HVO as fuel type
Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) has been added to the fuel types along with its associated carbon emissions factors to enable data capture and reporting for HVO fuel use.
To provide additional guidance when saving fuel use data, if the “Contractor” field has the account name selected (default selection for this field), the following validation message will appear when saving:
- For scope 3 carbon reporting, if this entry is for fuel used by a subcontractor, please ensure that the Contractor field is filled with the correct subcontractor from the drop down list.
Transport module: Vehicle types added
Additional vehicle types have been added for road transport:
- Car – small
- Car – medium
- Car – large
- Cycle
- Walk
Waste module: New waste type
The new waste type “Cartridges not containing hazardous substances taken from discarded electrical equipment (16 02 16)” has been added as a subcategory within the main waste category “Electrical and electronic equipment (non-hazardous)”.
API: KPI data out – update to call
The API call for extracting KPI data out of SmartWaste has been updated to separate the project reference from the project name in the output so that data can be better manipulated.
API: Materials data input – update to call
The materials API calls for saving materials and transport data have been updated to include the following non-mandatory fields which are available when entering data directly within SmartWaste:
- use on site
- timber species
- country of origin
- material usage description
i-buttons have been added in the following locations:
- KPI report – column header for traffic lights:
- Traffic lights show the performance against target. Green = Within target. Red = Over target
- Waste data log – data in the “Segregated / Waste management route” column:
- When hovering over the red cross: Waste not segregated
- When hovering over the green tick: Waste segregated
Guidance text added to the following locations:
- KPI report CSV download – column header for traffic lights:
- Green = Within target. Red = Over target
SmartWaste Version 9 – 14 August 2021
This release contains new features and improvements including a new API for easily extracting KPI data from SmartWaste, a new module at the group/company and business unit levels for bulk uploading data from multiple projects, conversion of materials volume data to tonnes, reordering of waste minimisation decisions in step 2 of the SWMP and improvements to various modules and reports.
Reporting enhancements
New API: Extracting KPI data from SmartWaste
A new API has been created enabling you to easily obtain SmartWaste KPI performance data for use in your company business intelligence systems such as Microsoft Power BI. Using the API will make regularly extracting your data in the same format quick and easy, ready for you manipulate and use in your company business intelligence systems which collate your data from many different software tools into one place.
The KPI data out API is based around the KPI reporting functionality within SmartWaste so that you have the flexibility of determining what KPI data you wish to export including the individual KPI measures and the level of detail obtained such as performance data for each project, for a total business unit or for the whole company.
Please get in touch with the SmartWaste Team at [email protected] if you wish to use the SmartWaste API for extracting KPI data.
Project report
The Project report, available at group and business unit levels, has been updated to include a “Project scheme” column to help easily identify which projects have stated they are working to a particular scheme (this information is entered via the add/edit project page). The schemes list includes various BREEAM schemes, CEEQUAL, DREAM, Fitwell, HQM, EED, SKA and WELL. A Project scheme filter has been added to the report to assist data interrogation.
Water reporting
Water data in logs, reports, charts and dashboards have been extended to 3 decimal places to provide more accurate reporting if water data is added in litres. Please note that all water consumption related KPIs remain at 2 decimal places as this is the format for all KPIs.
Carbon factors updated
Carbon conversion factors have been updated for energy, water, transport and waste using the latest government figures and have been applied from 1 April 2021.
If you enter project data in SmartWaste for energy use, water use, transport, waste and/or materials then these carbon conversion factors will automatically be applied to your data to calculate carbon impacts.
The carbon factors used within SmartWaste can be viewed by navigating to the Help page and clicking on the link “View carbon factors” which will take you to a page with individual links to tables showing the carbon conversion factors for waste, energy, materials, transport and water.
Fuel consumption factors updated
Fuel consumption factors used when adding transport data to calculate the amount of fuel used for cars and HGVs based on the vehicle type, fuel type and distance travelled have been updated using the latest government statistics and have been applied from 1 January 2021.
In addition, a fuel consumption factor has now been included for the vehicle type “Van – average (up to 3.5 tonnes)”. Fuel consumption will be calculated for any transport data entries added after 28 July 2021 using the vehicle type “Van – average (up to 3.5 tonnes)” and with a date of travel from 1 January 2021. Any existing transport data with fuel consumption data for the vehicle type “Van – average (up to 3.5 tonnes)” that was added to SmartWaste before 28 July 2021, regardless of the date of travel, will not be recalculated, they will remain as they were entered by the user.
New KPIs added:
The following new KPIs have been added for waste:
- Tonnes of waste excluding reused onsite from volume projects (actual + estimated tonnes) and tonnage projects/£100k project value (unit tonnes/£100k)
- Tonnes of waste excluding reused onsite from volume projects (actual + estimated tonnes) and tonnage projects/£million project spend (unit tonnes/£1M)
- Tonnes of waste excluding reused onsite from volume projects (actual + estimated tonnes) and tonnage projects/£100k project spend (unit tonnes/£100k)
- Tonnes of waste excluding reused onsite from volume projects (actual + estimated tonnes) and tonnage projects/100m2 floor area (unit tonnes/100m2)
The following new KPIs have been added for energy use:
- Total quantity of energy use/£100k project value (unit kWh/£100k)
- Total quantity of energy use/£million project spend (unit kWh/£1M)
- Total quantity of energy use/£100k project spend (unit kWh/£100k)
- Total quantity of energy use/100m2 floor area (unit kWh/100m2)
The following new KPIs have been added for materials:
- All material usage tonnes (actual + estimated tonnes)
- Timber usage tonnes (actual + estimated tonnes)
- Other material usage tonnes (actual + estimated tonnes)
The names of existing material usage KPIs have been updated to provide clarity that the unit of measurement is m3.
Adding data improvements
Bulk upload of project data at group and business unit levels for staff transport, electricity, natural gas and water use
This new bulk upload function enables super users and top-level company admin users to quickly upload staff transport, electricity, natural gas or water usage data, for multiple projects at once from the group or business unit level. Using this new company level upload for project data will help reduce the time taken to add data.
A new “Add data” tab has been created at the group and business unit level with a left-hand menu to aid navigation to add data pages for staff transport, electricity, natural gas and water use. The existing project spend upload has also been located here.
For electricity, natural gas and water use, the bulk upload data is added to meters set up within your projects by identifying them with a “Meter Reference ID Number”. You will need to edit any existing meters to include this reference number which is a unique number usually provided by your supplier with your data.
For staff transport, a reference data document is provided to help you upload your data by listing the details you will need for project name, staff type, mode of transport, vehicle type and fuel type in order to complete your data template for upload.
On each of the company level add data pages there is:
- A csv template to download and complete with your data
- For staff transport only: a csv reference data document
- A detailed guidance document explaining how to use the new company level bulk upload function
- Please read these to help you successfully upload your data
- A location to upload your completed file
- A link to view past uploads where you can see all past uploads and any associated error reports and, if necessary, delete a bulk upload.
Project spend data – company level bulk upload
This existing functionality is now accessed from a new location. The “Upload project spend data” button on the group and business unit home pages has been removed. To upload project spend from the group or business unit, please now use the new “Add data” tab at the group or business unit level and navigate to “Project spend” in the left hand menu.
Materials module
When adding materials data, materials volume data is now converted into estimated tonnes to improve data visibility for carbon reporting across different materials and measurement units. The estimated tonnage is displayed in the materials log with the ~ symbol in front of the value. Please note that the converted values should be used as a guide only. If the estimate amount is ~0.0, this means there is no conversion factor available for the material type.
The materials bulk upload has also been updated to enable data to be added for sub-material types giving the flexibility to capture more detailed data if desired.
Pre-demolition audit module
Updates have been made to “Step 5 Forecast versus actual waste arisings” to include sub-categories of waste in the actual figures. So, for example, if a user forecasts that there will be timber waste in the main category “Timber (17 02 01)” but when recording the actual waste arisings is able to provide more detail of the type of timber e.g. “Structural (17 02 01)”, then the structural timber amount would be added into the actuals figure for the main category “Timber (17 02 01)” on the Step 5 page.
SWMP module
Updates have been made to the Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) module in Step 2 Waste minimisation. New functionality has been added enabling the order of the waste minimisation decisions in the table to be changed. This provides greater flexibility and aids ordering of priorities or grouping of decisions. Hover over the text in the column “Type of waste minimisation decision” for the row you wish to move, up and/or down arrows will appear, click on the relevant arrow to move the row to where you wish it to go. Changes made to the order of rows in this table will be reflected in the SWMP print out and pdf and BREEAM report.
The layout of the Step 2 Waste minimisation table has also been optimised:
- Text in the “Type of waste minimisation decision” column is now a hyperlink used to open the entry for editing
- “Comments” column made wider to give more space for viewing comments
- “Delete” column updated to show the image of a red cross instead of the word Delete
Waste module
New filter added to waste data log to allow for easy filtering of “Data transferred via API”.
New sub-category waste type “End-of-life vehicles (16 01 04*)” added under the main waste category “Hazardous waste*”.
New container type added called “8cu metre truck (10.46cu yd)”
Energy and Water modules
The add data pages for electricity, natural gas, fuel, water use and water discharge have a new field “Upload additional evidence” to allow the uploading of an extra document as evidence for the data entry if required. An “Additional evidence” column has also been added to the data logs on these pages so that the evidence document can easily be viewed.
A new field ‘Meter Reference ID number’ has been added to the “Add/edit meter” pages for electricity, natural gas, water use and water discharge. This field should be populated by a unique number usually provided by your supplier with your data.
The ‘Reporting period’ field on electricity, natural gas, water use and water discharge data has been replaced with simple ‘Date from’ and ‘Date to’ fields removing the fixed reporting periods and giving users more flexibility on choosing their reporting periods. Please note that all reports, charts and KPIs will be based on the ‘Date from’ field.
i-buttons have been added in the following locations:
- Material Transport Data Log, “kgCO2e” column: For material transport data submitted before 25/4/2021 using transport mode and vehicle types ‘Water – Cargo’ or ‘Rail – Freight train’, the transport carbon emission is calculated based on 1 tonne of material. For new transport data submitted or existing data edited after 25/4/2021, the transport carbon emission is calculated using the actual tonnage of material entered.
- Pre-demolition audit module, Step 5 – Targets Vs Actuals, Overall % Diverted from landfill target: This value is from the Targets section. For standard practice the value is based on the overall target entered, for good and best practice it is calculated from the individual targets for each material.
- Project dashboard, Timber use, % from certified & reused sources, % from certified & reused sources – Temporary, % from certified & reused sources – Permanent: This figure is based on the certification type selected for the material and not based on the material source field.
i-buttons have been updated in the following locations:
- All timber reports at company, management unit, business unit and project levels, “Timber” column: Where reused sources is mentioned – please note that this is based on the certification type selected for the material and not based on the material source field.
- Adding transport data, “Fuel consumption for all vehicles (ltr)” field: This figure can only get populated for cars, HGVs and Van – Average (up to 3.5 tonnes), by litre per km factor multiplied by distance. It will not get populated for Van – Class I (up to 1.305 tonnes), Van – Class II (1.305 to 1.74 tonnes), Van – Class III (1.74 to 3.5 tonnes)
Guidance text added to the following locations:
- Pre-demolition audit module – Step 4 Targets: When changing the selected level of targets for your project, a pop-up message will appear when clicking save saying ‘By changing the level of targets for your project, any previous target data that has been entered will be cleared. Are you sure you want to continue?’ with the options to continue by clicking OK or return to the page without saving the changes by clicking Cancel.
- Log in page, if a user enters an incorrect username or password: Sorry, the username or password entered could not be matched to an active account. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking on the link below.
Guidance text has been updated in the following locations:
- Pre-demolition audit module – Step 3 Options: Use this section to record possible waste management options for each material/waste type including the percentage that could be managed by each resource/waste management option together with a brief description of how this might be achieved. NB This section is for information only and targets should be set in section 4 Targets.
- Add/edit user page, when entering a username that already exists: Usernames must be unique across all SmartWaste accounts. Please use another username, as there is already a user that exists with this username.
- Add/edit user page, when entering a username that contains a space or special character: Username should not contain a space or !#$%&'()*+,-/:;<=>?[]^_`{|}~£
- Assigning page, destinations with the yellow triangle exclamation mark symbol, the text that appears when hovering over the triangle: There is no current recycling rate covering today’s date for this destination, please check
- Company homepage, red box message notifying that membership renewal is due soon: Your SmartWaste membership expires on DD/MM/YYY after which you will no longer be able to access your account. Click here to see further details. Please contact your super user in the first instance before contacting your BRE SmartWaste Account Manager to renew.
- Company homepage, red box message notifying that membership expires today: Your SmartWaste membership expires today. Click here to see further details. Please contact your super user in the first instance before contacting your BRE SmartWaste Account Manager to renew.
Other guidance
- The User permission levels guidance matrix outlining the permissions for each user type in SmartWaste has been updated.
- Guidance documents available via the Help page have been reviewed and updated as necessary.
- To improve security, as of Friday 16 July 2021, the use of https for the SmartWaste API website has been enforced through automatic redirect.
SmartWaste Version 8 – 23 April 2021
This release includes new features and improvements including enhancements to KPI reporting to break down performance by business unit or project, better visibility of missing recycling rates for waste destinations, integration of materials and material transport modules, a new project log module to report and record on gaps in data and a new API for materials and materials transport data input.
Account set up/user permissions
The following user permissions have been added to the add/edit user page providing more flexibility:
- Option to grant permission for company admin and project admin users to edit waste management contractor, subcontractor and material supplier details. This is useful for restricting data editing abilities if required to ensure contractor data reliability. Super users and top level company admins can activate/deactivate these permissions for company admins and project admins. Company admin users can activate/deactivate these permissions for project admins. Users with this permission activated are indicated on the user list with an orange colour star.
- Option to grant permission for company admin users to be able to link projects to external contractors. Super users and top level company admins can activate/deactivate these permissions for company admins. Users with this permission activated are indicated on the user list with a green colour star.
The following user permissions have also been updated:
- Project admins can view company targets (no add/edit permissions)
- On linked projects, waste contractors, subcontractors or material suppliers added to the project by one external contractor cannot be seen by another external contractor ensuring data confidentiality.
The user permissions table has been updated to reflect these changes.
Reporting enhancements
Targets can now be set at business unit/management unit level to provide consistency for target setting at all levels/tiers within SmartWaste.
Where targets have been set at the business unit level, these are shown in KPI reports run at this level. If no targets have been set at the business unit level then the company level targets will be displayed. At project level, the KPI report displays business unit targets if no project targets have been set, or company targets if no business unit targets have been set.
KPI report improvements
KPI report breakdown filter
When a KPI report is run at group level or business unit level, the data displayed is a total for the level at which you are running the report. This has been enhanced with the addition of a new filter allowing a breakdown of the data to allow for comparisons across business units within the group or projects within the business unit.
Please note a maximum of 12 KPIs can be run within a KPI report where the filter for breakdown by business unit or project has been selected.
To support this KPI breakdown functionality a new formatted excel download of the KPI report is available at each level.
Group level KPI report: Breakdown by business unit
At group level a new filter has been added to the KPI report called “Breakdown by business unit”; when selected this will show a total data row for the group then an individual row of data for each business unit. This enables quick and easy comparison of KPI performance across all business units within the group at once.
Business unit level KPI report: Breakdown by project
At business unit level a new filter has been added to the KPI report called “Breakdown by project”; when selected this will show a total data row for the business unit then an individual row of data for each project. This enables quick and easy comparison of KPI performance across all projects within the business unit at once.
Saved KPI reports available at all levels
When saving KPI reports as a template to run again at a later date, there is now the option to select “Do you want this saved KPI report to be available to run at all tiers below this one?” which provides more efficient reporting with no duplication of effort required at lower levels. The master saved KPI report template exists at the level it was created and can only be edited and deleted at this location.
Waste data log updates
Missing recycling/recovery rate icon
In the waste data log, when the waste management route “recovery” is selected for a waste data entry, the system will check whether recycling/recovery rates are available for the entry. In the waste data log, an exclamation mark triangle icon appears under the product name if there are no product specific or overall recycling/recovery rates for the waste destination and date of the data entry. Please note, this checking functionality only applies to waste data entries added or edited after 23 April 2021.
In the csv download of the waste data log, instead of an icon, a new column “Recycling rate added” shows “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether there are product specific or overall recycling/recovery rates for the waste destination and date of the data entry. Any cells which are blank relate to data added before this functionality came into effect on 23 April 2021, meaning the system hasn’t checked the data for missing recycling/recovery rates.
The exclamation mark triangle icon also appears on the project level “Assigning” tab page for waste management destinations which do not have recycling/recovery rates covering all dates of waste entries on the project.
Waste carrier/destination names hyperlinked
In the waste data log, the waste carrier and waste destination names are now displayed as a hyperlink enabling quick navigation to the waste management contractor details page or waste facility/destination details page.
Please note, for linked projects, the name of the waste carrier/destination will not be displayed as a hyperlink for the project owner if the waste carrier/destination originates from the external contractor account. Similarly, the name of the waste carrier/destination will not be displayed as a hyperlink for the external contractor if the carrier/destination originates from the project owner account.
Group/business unit “Summary report” updates
The following updates have been made to the Summary report:
- Energy KPI data increased to 3 decimal places to enable greater accuracy for data interrogation.
- In the csv download, units have been updated to provide clarity on the data displayed.
- Traffic light functionality updated so that if date filters are applied then the traffic lights showing when data was last entered are updated in relation to the end date filter.
Project dashboard updates
Traffic light functionality has been updated on the project dashboard so that if date filters are applied then the traffic lights showing when data was last entered are updated in relation to the end date filter.
Waste carrier and destination reports – improved filters
The filters on the waste carrier and waste destination reports for linked projects have been updated to improve visibility of which waste carriers/destinations have been added by different parties working on the project (e.g. project owners and external contractors).
New KPIs added:
The following new KPIs have been added:
Total Waste (from all phases including Construction, Demolition, Excavation, Modular, and Post-Completion) by waste management route:
- Total Waste Reused (Tonnes)
- Total Waste Reused (Volume)
- % Total Waste Reused
- Total Waste Recycled (Tonnes)
- Total Waste Recycled (Volume)
- % Total Waste Recycled
- Total Waste Energy Recovery (Tonnes)
- Total Waste Energy Recovery (Volume)
- % Total Waste Energy Recovery
- Total Waste Landfill/Disposal (Tonnes)
- Total Waste Landfill/Disposal (Volume)
- % Total Waste Landfill/Disposal
Waste from each construction phase (construction/demolition/excavation) in relation to project spend and project value:
- Tonnes excavation waste/£100K project spend
- Tonnes demolition waste/£100K project spend
- Tonnes excavation waste/£100K project value
- Tonnes demolition waste/£100K project value
- Volume of excavation waste/£100K project spend
- Volume of demolition waste/£100K project spend
- Volume of excavation waste/£100K project value
- Volume of demolition waste/£100K project value
Total volume and tonnes of non-hazardous and hazardous waste from each construction phase (construction/demolition/excavation) and totals to each waste management route:
- Construction Waste Volume – Non hazardous
- Construction Waste Volume – Hazardous
- Demolition Waste Volume – Non hazardous
- Demolition Waste Volume – Hazardous
- Excavation Waste Volume – Non hazardous
- Excavation Waste Volume – Hazardous
- Construction Waste Tonnes – Non hazardous
- Construction Waste Tonnes – Hazardous
- Demolition Waste Tonnes – Non hazardous
- Demolition Waste Tonnes – Hazardous
- Excavation Waste Tonnes – Non hazardous
- Excavation Waste Tonnes – Hazardous
- Total tonnes non-hazardous waste reused (on or off site)
- Total tonnes non-hazardous waste recycled directly
- Total tonnes non-hazardous waste sent for recovery
- Total tonnes non-hazardous waste landfilled directly
- Total tonnes hazardous waste recycled directly
- Total tonnes hazardous waste sent for recovery
- Total tonnes hazardous waste landfilled directly
Total tonnes and percentages of waste from all projects (volume and tonnage projects) for non-hazardous waste and hazardous waste:
- Tonnes of non-hazardous waste from volume projects (actual + estimated tonnes) and tonnage projects
- Tonnes of non-hazardous waste diverted from landfill from volume projects (actual + estimated tonnes) and tonnage projects
- % non-hazardous waste diverted from landfill from volume and tonnage projects (based on actual and estimated tonnes)
- Tonnes of hazardous waste from volume projects (actual + estimated tonnes) and tonnage projects
- Tonnes of hazardous waste diverted from landfill from volume projects (actual + estimated tonnes) and tonnage projects
- % hazardous waste diverted from landfill from volume and tonnage projects (based on actual and estimated tonnes)
Materials KPIs:
- % of materials from reused/recycled sources (= total quantity of materials reused + recycled / total quantity of materials)
- % of aggregates from reused/recycled sources (= total quantity of aggregates reused + recycled / total quantity of aggregates)
Biodiversity KPIs:
- Total number of actions
- Total number of actions completed
- % of actions completed (Note: for KPI performance traffic light to show red if not all actions are complete, then the KPI target will need to be set at 100%)
- Please note: if date filters are run on biodiversity KPIs, the date interrogated is currently the due date of the action. If a due date is missing, the action will not be counted towards the KPI in question.
Adding data improvements
Bulk upload of project spend data at group level
This new bulk upload function enables super users to be able to bulk upload project spend data via a spreadsheet at the group level for multiple projects at once, saving time by not having to go into each business unit to upload data.
View and delete past bulk uploads of project spend data at group and business unit level
New functionality to view and delete bulk uploads of project spend data added at group and business unit level makes it easier to review and delete bulk uploaded project spend.
Changes to materials module
Add materials use and materials transport data together
Materials transport data can now be logged at the same time as recording your materials use data, making data entry simpler and quicker. However, it is still possible to record these data separately if required by your business. Here’s how to add data:
- Materials use and materials transport data together – Navigate to the add material usage data page. Do not tick the “Are you only reporting material transport information” checkbox. Ensure you fill in all other fields on the page including the section relating to transport or you can use the bulk upload form available on the page ensuring you complete the transport fields.
- Materials use data only – Navigate to the add material usage data page. Do not tick the “Are you only reporting material transport information” checkbox. Fill in all fields except the section relating to transport (leave these blank as you do not wish to record transport data). Or use the bulk upload form available on the page, again leaving the transport fields blank.
- Materials transport data only – The simplest option is to navigate to the add material transport page which will have automatically ticked “Are you only reporting material transport information” checkbox and simplified the fields displayed to focus on materials transport. Ensure you fill in all the required fields on the page or use the bulk upload form available on this page which is tailored to material transport data only. Another option is to navigate to the add material usage data page and manually tick the “Are you only reporting material transport information” checkbox which will ensure that only the fields relating to material transport are visible and data added will only count towards the transport reports.
Other updates to the add materials use and add material transport data pages:
- “Date brought to site (dd/mm/yyyy)” changed to “Date (from)” and i-button added stating “Where a delivery has taken more than a day or where material transport information is being entered for a given period then please populate the ‘Date to’ field”.
- “Date (to)” field added.
- The building element list in the materials use and materials transport modules has been combined into one matching list, with the addition of the new category “Ceiling”.
- The material type list in the materials use and materials transport modules has been combined into one matching list.
- The following main material types have been updated to include new sub-material types:
- Concrete in-situ
- Cement/mortar/lime
- Manufactured Product- non-pulp (softwood)
- Metals – other
- Paint or timber treatment
- Particleboard
- Plastics and rubbers (including EPDM, TPO, PVC and VET roofing and other membranes and polymeric renders)
- Plywood
- “Additional upload” field added.
- Materials use data log and materials transport log updated to reflect these changes
- Material use data populates the material data log and materials reports.
- Material transport data populates the material transport log and transport reports.
- Entries in the material use data log which include transport data are identified with a lorry icon in the date from column.
- In the material use data log csv download, a new column “Has transport data?” shows which materials data entries include transport data.
- On the materials use data log, a totals row added at bottom of log allows for easy viewing of column totals for % reused, % recycled, % virgin, total volume, total tonnage, total price and total embodied carbon of materials (kgCo2e).
New module: Project log
This new module available at the project level from the “Add data” tab enables you to record any gaps in project data by logging periods for which there are no data entries to be added for particular modules on that project. This will help with understanding reasons for periods when there is a lack of data for certain modules such as site closures and delays.
Periods with no data recorded in the project log are reflected in the project dashboard traffic lights, which will show grey when dates have been recorded in the project log. The project log module can also be used to record anything else important to note for the project for certain date periods.
This new module can be switched on or off like all other modules via the ‘Company details’ tab at group and business unit level, or on the project modules page via the ‘Edit Project’ tab for individual projects.
New API: Materials use and materials transport data input
A new SmartWaste API is now available enabling the input of materials use and materials transport data directly into SmartWaste from other systems. Utilising this API will save time for users on data entry as instead there will be automatic transfer of data into your SmartWaste account once the links have been set up from the data source system to SmartWaste.
If you are interested in using this API please contact the SmartWaste team at [email protected] for further information.
Waste API updates
The get waste items call has been updated:
- Optimised to be able to get data quicker.
- Simplified by removing contractor information other than the names.
- Paging added meaning by default only the latest 50 records are provided. With the option to send multiple requests to access different pages or request all records if needed.
New waste types added
The following new waste types have been added to SmartWaste along with bulk m3 to tonnes conversion factors where available:
- Main categories of waste
- Wastes from physico/chemical treatments of waste (including dechromatation, decyanidation, neutralisation) (19 02)
- Wastes from the mechanical treatment of waste (for example sorting, crushing, compacting, pelletising) not otherwise specified (19 12)
- Sub-category wastes under main category “Timber”
- Sawdust, shavings, cuttings, wood, particle board and veneer other than those mentioned in 03 01 04 (03 01 05)
- Wood other than that mentioned in 20 01 37 (20 01 38)
- Sub-category wastes under main category “Other”
- Other fractions not otherwise specified (20 01 99)
- Chemicals other than those mentioned in 18 01 06 (18 01 07)
- Degreasing wastes other than those mentioned in 11 01 13 (11 01 14)
- Sub-category wastes under main category “Hazardous”
- Pesticides (20 01 19*)
- Hazardous components other than those mentioned in 16 01 07* to 16 01 11* and 16 01 13* and 16 01 14* (16 01 21*)
- Sub-category waste under the main waste category “Wastes from physico/chemical treatments of waste (including dechromatation, decyanidation, neutralisation)”
- Premixed wastes composed only of non-hazardous wastes (19 02 03)
The excel waste bulk upload form has been updated to include the additions of the new main categories of waste.
Waste types amended
The following waste type has been amended within SmartWaste:
- The main waste category “Furniture (20 03 07)” has been renamed to “Bulky waste / Furniture (20 03 07)”
Linked projects: Visibility of contractors/suppliers
On linked projects, waste contractors, subcontractors or material suppliers added to the project by one external contractor cannot be seen by another external contractor ensuring data confidentiality. For example, on the project assigning and add data pages, an external contractor will only be able to view waste contractors, subcontractors or materials suppliers that they or the project owner have added. The external contractor will not be able to see those added by other external contractors who are linked to the project.
i-buttons have been added in the following locations:
- Waste data log in the “product/recycling rates added” column: “Please note: only data entered or edited after 23 April 2021 will be checked for missing recycling/recovery rates”
- Material use data log at project level next to Reused %, Recycled % and Virgin % and total values in the bottom row: “These percentage figures are based on volume (actual or estimated) rather than tonnes”
- Breakdown by business unit filter on KPI Reporting page at company level: “This filter will display the results of each KPI for each business unit within this company”
- Breakdown by project filter on KPI Reporting page at business unit level: “This filter will display the results of each KPI for for each project within this business unit”
i-buttons have been updated in the following locations:
- Traffic lights on project dashboard: e.g. Red traffic light against waste data – i-button text: “As of dd/mm/yyyy no waste data entries or periods of ‘no data’ for waste for over 60 days. Please note: this is based on the date entered when adding waste data records or date period of ‘no data’ for waste and is not based on when this data was last added to the project by users.”
- Add waste data page next to the waste management route “Recovery”: “Recovery means any operation which has the main result of waste serving a useful purpose by replacing non-waste materials that would otherwise have been used to fulfil a particular function, e.g. via a waste transfer station. The system will take into account the recycling and energy recovery rates you have entered for your chosen waste destination/facility. Where these are missing, the system will apply the default recycling rates of 80% for segregated waste and 50% for unsegregated waste”
Guidance text added to the following locations:
- Company targets landing page: To add targets to SmartWaste you will need to first assign KPIs to your account, which can be done here. Once KPIs are assigned, click the “Add” button below to set up your company targets.
- Project targets landing page: Targets set at a company level will automatically apply to projects and can be viewed at the company level. However, you can set project specific targets if you wish on this page by clicking the “Add” button. This will overwrite company level targets for this project.
- Set project targets page: Set the start and end date you would like the targets to apply for and expand out the sections below to add in a target to your chosen KPIs. If you can’t see any KPIs to select in the sections, they need to be assigned to your account first which can be done here by a superuser or top level company admin user.
- Company summary report: Please note: at present, the traffic light RAG status on the company summary report does not reflect a grey traffic light to show periods of ‘no data’ recorded in the project log at the project level.
Guidance text has been updated in the following locations:
- Account management user report – last login column: Where there is a ‘-‘, the user has not logged in to SmartWaste since the 4th of March 2019.
Other guidance
- Added to the “Help page”
- Nine new training tutorial videos to assist super users and company admins with various admin tasks within their company’s SmartWaste account.
- Link to view the release notes, moved to here from the log in page.
- The User Permission level table has been amended to reflect the various updates to user permissions.
A new add-on has been made to the servers that SmartWaste uses which will enhance the programming functionality available.
SmartWaste V7.9 – 9th September 2020
This release includes new functionality to capture and report on the reused/recycled/virgin content of materials, new biodiversity reports, options to report waste data in tonnage for volume projects, and updates to carbon factors and fuel consumption factors as well as various small improvements across SmartWaste.
Reporting enhancements
Waste data log (volume projects) – For volume projects, the waste data log has been updated to enable reporting of data in tonnes as well as volume for each waste entry. The actual tonnage will be displayed if this has been entered, if not then an estimated tonnage will be displayed which is calculated using the bulk volume and conversion factors. If the tonnage is estimated, the figure will be prefixed with the symbol ~. In addition, there are now two volume columns, one showing the bulk volume of the container and the other showing the actual volume (i.e. the bulk volume of the container selected with void space applied). For containers with more than one type of waste inside, the waste data log shows the breakdown of volume and tonnage for each of the waste types present.
Waste data log (general) – The first column of the waste data log now includes information on whether the waste entry has transport data (lorry icon), if data was added via API (API icon), whether the waste entry has been added by an external contractor and any labels added to the waste entry. The layout of the detailed csv download of the waste data log has been updated to provide a more organised, easier to use format.
Waste management and routes report – Updated to include the new filter ‘View Volume projects in Tonnage’ to enable reporting of data from volume projects in tonnes, in line with the alterations made to the waste data log.
Energy – In line with the requirements of the Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS), fuel use is now also displayed in kWh on the fuel use page log and on the project level energy report.
Biodiversity and ecology feature report (new) – At project level this is a log that displays a summary of the biodiversity and ecology features alongside details of their actions. At company and business unit level this report provides the full details of each biodiversity and ecology feature per project alongside a summary of its actions categorised into number of actions, number completed and number outstanding.
Materials source report (new) – This is available at company and business unit levels. It provides a summary for each project of the total quantity of materials and what percentage is from reused, recycled, and virgin sources. The report can be filtered by material types and material source as well as the usual filters for date, project status, project archived/unarchived and labels. Please note if no ‘Material Source’ filter is applied, this report will include all materials. For historic data, where no material source option has been selected for a material then it is assumed to be virgin or primary material within this report.
KPIs – When running/loading an existing previously saved KPI filter, the name you gave the filter is now displayed on the results page. Please note that all KPIs stating volume in their name only show results from volume projects and all KPIs with tonnes in their name only show results from tonnage projects unless otherwise indicated. The following new KPIs have been added showing tonnes of waste from both volume and tonnages projects combined:
- Tonnes of waste from volume projects (actual + estimated tonnes) and tonnage projects
- Tonnes of waste diverted from landfill from volume projects (actual + estimated tonnes) and tonnage projects
- % waste diverted from landfill from volume and tonnage projects (based on actual and estimated tonnes)
Adding data
Biodiversity: Site survey – A new survey type of ‘Other survey’ has been added. This should only be used if the survey type you wish to record is not available from the drop down list. When ‘Other survey’ is selected, a ‘Please specify’ box appears to record further details about the survey type.
Add waste data – The ‘Add’ button on the add waste data page has been renamed ‘Save’ to match other add data pages. On volume projects, a new hyperlink button appears next to the ‘Overall tonnage’ box when editing waste entries. This is linked to the updates for viewing of waste data for volume projects in tonnes. When an entry with estimated tonnage is edited, the tonnage box will be greyed out. If you wish to replace the estimated tonnage with an actual tonnage, click on the hyperlink button called “Enter actual tonnage” to enter the actual tonnage and save the changes. The waste entry and waste data log will be updated. Similarly, if you wish to replace an actual tonnage with an estimated tonnage, click on the hyperlink button called ‘Estimate tonnage upon saving’ and then save the changes.
SWMP Step 8 (Ongoing review) – When adding a SWMP implementation review, the drop down list for the ‘Name’ field has been updated to include super users and top level company admins.
Incidents, complaints and visits – The ‘Topic Area’ and ‘Category’ drop down lists have been expanded. A number of new fields have been added to the ‘Add environmental incidents, complaints, authority notices and visits’ page:
- Incident location – free text field
- Immediate cause – drop down list field
- Upload additional evidence – upload field (with ‘View’ hyperlink added to the Incidents, complaints and visits log to enable user to easily view the file directly from the log)
Materials – The materials type ‘aggregate’ has been updated to include a list of aggregate sub-material types. When entering materials data, you can now capture greater detail on the source of the material to record whether it is reused material or has a recycled content. The new field ‘Material source’ allows you to select one of the following options:
- Site won reused – i button: Material that originated onsite and has been reused on the same site without being processed
- Site won recycled – i button: 100% Recycled material that originated onsite has been processed (e.g. crushed) and then used on the same site
- 100% reused material (brought to site) – i button: Reused material that has been brought to site e.g. soils
- 100% recycled material (brought to site) – i button: Recycled material that has been brought to site e.g. WRAP Quality Protocol standard
- Material with some recycled content (brought to site) – with field to add the percentage of recycled content. i button: Material brought to site with some recycled content
- Virgin or primary material – i button: Material brought to site with no reused or recycled content e.g. primary or raw materials
Carbon factors
Carbon conversion factors have been updated for energy, water, transport and waste using the latest government figures and have been applied from 1 April 2020.
Carbon factors for the embodied carbon of materials have been updated using the latest Inventory of Carbon & Energy (ICE) database (Version 3.0) to include the new aggregates sub-material types and have been applied from 1 September 2020.
If you enter project data in SmartWaste for energy use, water use, transport, waste and/or materials then these carbon factors will automatically be applied to your data to calculate carbon impacts.
Fuel consumption factors calculating the amount of fuel used for cars and HGVs based on the vehicle type, fuel type and distance travelled have been updated using the latest government statistics and have been applied from 1 January 2020.
Other improvements
Add / Edit project details page – ‘SKA’ has been added to the drop down list ‘Do any of these apply to your project?’.
Company details page – This page has been updated to show all super users associated with the company account.
Additional guidance has been provided to help you make the best use of functions in the following locations in SmartWaste:
- New SWMP video tutorial
- Now available from the Help page within the SmartWaste tool providing you with a simple guide to using the Site Waste Management Plan (SMWP) module.
- Assigning waste contractors to projects from company/business unit levels
- Additional guidance has been provided on the ‘Waste management contractors details’ page regarding the use of the ‘Assigned projects’ section when at the company and/or business unit level.
- This states: ‘Please note: using the assign button below will assign the waste carrier and ALL of the waste destinations associated with it to the projects you have selected (only unarchived projects are listed). If you wish to only assign some of the waste destinations to a project, please navigate to the project dashboard and assign the waste carrier and required destinations from the “Assigning” tab.’
SmartWaste V7.8 – 27th March 2020
This release includes various small improvements across SmartWaste related to adding data plus updated video tutorials and i-button guidance.
Adding data
New waste types – The following new waste types have been added to SmartWaste along with bulk m3 to tonnes conversion factors where available:
- New sub-category wastes under main category “Hazardous”
- Waste printing toner containing hazardous substances (08 03 17*)
- Oil – Biodegradable hydraulic oils (13 01 12*)
- Solids from grit chambers and oil/water separators (13 05 01*)
- Sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances (17 01 11*)
- New sub-category wastes under main category “Other waste”
- Biolime (06 09 04)
- Sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 01 11 (07 01 12)
- Screenings (19 08 01)
- Sludges from treatment of urban waste water (19 08 05)
SWMP Step 2 Waste minimisation – The RIBA plan of works stage drop down list has been updated in line with the new RIBA Plan of Work 2020.
Staff transport bulk upload – The subcontractor field has been made non-mandatory in the staff transport bulk upload form so that it is consistent with the functionality for adding single staff transport entries directly in SmartWaste.
Additional guidance has been provided to help you make the best use of functions in the following locations in SmartWaste:
- Updated video tutorials available on the help page – Updated versions of the video tutorials have been recorded and made available on the help page in SmartWaste. Find them by logging into your SmartWaste account and clicking on “? Help” in the grey toolbar which runs across the top of every page within SmartWaste. These are very helpful for an instantly available online demonstration of how certain features or modules work within SmartWaste.
- i-buttons for traffic lights on project dashboard and company summary report have been updated to explain what it means when it states that data has not been added for x days.
E.g. Red traffic light against waste data – i-button text: ‘No waste data entries for over 60 days. Please note: this is based on the date entered when adding waste data records and is not based on when this data was last added to the project by users.’
SmartWaste V7.7 – 7th February 2020
This release includes the addition of the labels feature to the materials module and various small improvements across SmartWaste.
Reporting enhancements
BREEAM NC 2018 pre-demolition audit KPI – A new KPI has been added so that you can select whether you are working towards achieving one credit in BREEAM New Construction 2018 because you are undertaking a pre-demolition audit.
SWMP Step 7 Actuals vs forecast waste – Difference and % difference columns have been updated to show data in red colour text if the actual is greater than the forecast amount or in green colour if the actual is less than the forecast amount. The rows have also been ordered A-Z by waste type.
CCS chart at company/group level – for ease of data identification, the colour of the right-hand vertical axis has been updated to match the colour purple of the data on the graph this represents
Adding data
Add/edit project page – The scheme DREAM (Defence Related Environmental Assessment Methodology) has been added to the drop down list in the field “Do any of these apply to your project?”. However, SmartWaste has not been aligned to the requirements of DREAM.
SWMP Step 3 Forecast – Forecast amounts can be entered in volume (m3) or tonnage and will then be displayed in both units in the forecast table. So, if data is entered in m3 a conversion factor will be applied so that the equivalent tonnes can be calculated and displayed (or vice versa). All figures displayed in the forecast table that have been calculated using conversion factors are now pre-fixed with the symbol ~ to help identify between figures directly entered and those which have been calculated using conversion factors.
SWMP Step 4 Options – Energy recovery has been added to the list of waste management options available to select when planning how waste types will be dealt with as part of the Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP).
Labels for materials data – The labels feature has been added to the materials module meaning that each materials entry saved can have multiple labels applied to it. You can create labels within your SmartWaste account at the group/company level from the company details tab. Labels can be created with any name you wish so they are company specific and can be very useful when searching for particular pieces of data using reports.
Guidance Additional guidance has been provided to help you make the best use of functions in the following locations in SmartWaste:
Technical guidance documents added to the help page:
- Technical guidance 11 – Using SmartWaste on a mobile device
- Technical guidance 12 – Technical Guidance for BREEAM NEW Construction 2018 (showing which areas of SmartWaste help you with your evidence for relevant BREEAM credits)
BREEAM New Construction 2018 guidance added to SWMP Step 3 (Forecast) and Step 4 (Options) – to provide a reminder of the BREEAM Wst 01 resource efficiency benchmarks to work towards.
I-buttons added to:
- SWMP Step 3 Forecast – “Estimate amount (m3)” and “Estimate amount (tonnes)” columns: Figures with the ~ symbol are calculated using conversion factors. If the estimated amount is ~0.0, this means there is no conversion factor available for the waste category.
- SWMP Step 7 Actuals vs forecast waste – Difference column: Difference = Actual – Forecast
- SWMP Step 7 Actuals vs forecast waste – % Difference column: % Difference = (Difference/Forecast)*100
SmartWaste V7.6 – 11th December 2019
This release includes updates to the Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) and Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) modules, addition of the “Not in use” functionality for waste facilities/destinations and alignment of data collection with BREEAM New Construction 2018 including a report pulling together all the relevant data for this BREEAM scheme.
Reporting enhancements
New BREEAM New Construction 2018 report – This has been created to collate all data relevant to BREEAM New Construction 2018 in one place for easy reporting and sharing with BREEAM assessors. Details of the improvements completed as part of this release to capture the necessary data can be seen in the BREEAM New Construction 2018 section under “Adding data” below.
In addition, the following updates have also been made to the report:
- Man 03 Responsible construction practices: Considerate construction section – Section name updated to “Responsible construction management” and link to evidence upload added
- Man 03 Responsible construction practices: Utility consumption section – Project targets that have been set for usage of energy and water as well as transport impacts are displayed to provide an easy comparison with the actual usage that was already visible in the report. These usage targets have also been added to the BREEAM New Construction 2014 report.
- Wst 01 Construction Waste Management section – Updated to show that there is now an additional credit available for completion of a pre-demolition audit.
Updates to Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) report pdf – The SWMP report pdf has been updated to reflect the improvements made to the SWMP module in this release. For details of the improvements made please see the SWMP section under “Adding data” below. In addition, the comments field has been added to Step 2 Waste minimisation within the SWMP report. This was previously only visible online.
KPIs – Amendments have been made to some KPIs to make it clearer which ones can be used to report on scope 1 and scope 2 emissions. The following KPI names have been updated:
- “Tonnes CO2e from combustion of fuel” changed to “Tonnes CO2e from combustion of fuel (Scope 1)”
- “Tonnes CO2e from electricity supplied” changed to “Tonnes CO2e from electricity supplied (Scope 2)”
- “Tonnes CO2e from natural gas supplied” changed to “Tonnes CO2e from natural gas supplied (Scope 2)”
Adding data
BREEAM New Construction 2018 – If you select that a project is working towards BREEAM New Construction 2018 on the add/edit project page, the necessary fields related to data collection for this BREEAM scheme will automatically appear throughout the tool. There will be a document available shortly from the help page within SmartWaste showing how and where SmartWaste can be used to collate data and evidence required for BREEAM New Construction 2018. In summary, the following pages have been updated:
- SWMP Step 1 Responsibilities – wording amends and additional evidence upload fields added.
- SWMP Step 3 Forecast – update to pre-demolition audit evidence section with signposting to the pre-demolition audit module if this has been selected to be used on the project.
- Pre-demolition audit module Step 3 Options – updates to total waste arisings forecast table layout to simplify structure and include diversion from landfill forecast columns.
- Waste destination report – update name of column “Waste returns form scan” to “Evidence of waste returns form or PAS 402:2013”.
Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) module – The following improvements have been made to the SWMP module:
- Step 1 Responsibilities: New field “Who is the principal contractor”.
- Step 2 Waste minimisation: Comments field improved so that text entered appears as normal text instead of as an i-button.
- Step 3 Forecast: Enabled forecasting by waste sub-categories (as well as current main waste category), forecasts are now displayed in both m3 and tonnes and a link has been added to a guidance document on how to classify different types of waste.
- Step 4 Options: New evidence upload fields for Material Management Plan (MMP) & submission of “Declaration of Conformity to CL:AIRE”.
- Step 7 Actual vs forecast: Difference & % difference columns added to the actual vs forecast waste table, new chart showing actual vs forecast waste by waste type and a new table showing actual % vs forecast % by waste management route.
- Step 8 Ongoing review: Snapshot feature added so that the progress of actual vs forecast waste can be captured with each ongoing review added.
- Step 9 Completion review: Guidance note added next to the snapshot button – “If you click this button you will not be able to update this snapshot again so be sure to click it once the SWMP is complete”.
Waste facility/destination “Not in use” – this very useful feature that was previously available for waste carriers has been added for waste facilities/destinations, enabling you to mark waste facilities/destinations which are no longer in use by your company so that they cannot be assigned and used on new projects.
CCS module – updated in line with the changes made to the CCS scoring system. The scoring of the existing 5 codes has been updated to be out of 9 (previously out of 10) and the new code “Additional innovation points” has been added (with a score out of 5). The CCS report and KPIs have been updated to reflect these changes. The CCS chart at business unit and company level has been updated to provide a stacked bar showing the breakdown of the total score by CCS code.
Other – On the “Add/edit project” page a new field has been added to record whether a project is required to complete a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP). If “No” is selected a comments box will appear to record additional details. On the “Add/edit” page for all types of contractors (waste management contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers) a “Company telephone number” field has been added. If using this field, for GDPR compliance the telephone number stored should be a publicly available number for the company rather than an individual.
Carbon factors
The calculation method of carbon from waste management has been updated for volume projects where no tonnage data has been added for a waste entry. Conversion factors are applied to the bulk volume of the container (rather than actual volume) to calculate an estimated tonnage for the container. The relevant waste management route carbon factor is then applied to the tonnage figure to obtain the carbon impact value.
Additional guidance has been provided to help you make the best use of functions in the following locations in SmartWaste:
- I-button update on Waste data log: “kgCO2e from waste management process” column – “SmartWaste will calculate the kgCO2e for the waste management process for waste transfers dated after 1st March 2018. Please note, waste carbon factors are not available for some main and sub waste categories. Please see the ‘Waste carbon conversion factors’ page for details, waste categories without carbon factors will display as zero.”
- New online video tutorial on the help page – “Tutorial 13: Capturing site data in SmartWaste on a mobile device”
- Project reference field error message added to “Add/edit project page” – upon saving the project, if the project reference is greater than 50 characters, the following error message will appear “The project reference you are trying to input is more than 50 characters, please shorten the project reference”.
SmartWaste V7.5 – 4th October 2019
This release includes a new chart at project level showing the quantity of waste by work package. In addition, carbon factors for energy, water, transport, waste and materials have been updated for 2019/20.
Reporting enhancements
New waste by work package chart – This is available at the project level and provides a greater insight into which work packages are generating the biggest quantities of waste. The stacked bars in the chart provide a breakdown of the amount and types of waste generated by each of the work packages.
Adding data
Add waste data: new work packages added – The work package list has been updated to include some new categories and some updated names. The work package list is as follows (those in bold are either new or have been amended):
- Asbestos removal
- Completion activities
- Construction
- Demolition
- External and site works
- Finishes / Snagging
- First Fix
- Fixtures & fittings
- Foundations
- Groundworks & excavation
- Not specified
- Painting
- Plastering
- Refurbishment
- Remediation
- Roofing
- Second Fix
- Services
- Soft strip
- Substructure
- Superstructure
Carbon factors
Carbon conversion factors have been updated for energy, water, transport and waste using the latest government figures and have been applied from 1 April 2019.
Carbon factors for the embodied carbon of materials have been updated using the latest Inventory of Carbon & Energy (ICE) database (Version 3.0) and have been applied from 9 August 2019.
If you enter project data in SmartWaste for energy use, water use, transport, waste and/or materials then these carbon factors will automatically be applied to your data to calculate carbon impacts.
Fuel consumption factors calculating the amount of fuel used for cars and HGVs based on the vehicle type, fuel type and distance travelled have been updated using the latest government statistics and have been applied from 1 January 2019.
Additional guidance has been provided to help you make the best use of functions in the following locations in SmartWaste:
- SmartWaste Release 7.4 video added to the SmartWaste Help page: This is a recording of the V7.4 release webinar which includes demonstrations for the features added to SmartWaste as part of the V7.4 release including new waste contractor reports and waste data exceptions.
- SmartWaste contact email address added to every page footer for easy reference: If you require assistance please contact the SmartWaste Team at [email protected].
- New guidance within waste bulk upload form about not pasting text into cells for waste carrier, waste destination and subcontractor as this will cause the upload to fail: “Please only select a waste carrier/waste destination/subcontractor from the dropdown list, do not paste the name from elsewhere. If you can’t find the waste carrier/waste destination/subcontractor from the dropdown list, please go to SmartWaste and assign it to the project first, then download and use the latest version of the blank form.”
SmartWaste V7.4 – 26th July 2019
This release introduces waste data exception checks to reduce common errors and features a number of reporting enhancements including the creation of two new reports which give you consolidated information on your waste carriers and destinations.
Reporting enhancements
New waste carrier and waste destination reports – These make it easy to review Duty of Care for your project by presenting all the necessary licence and permit information along with any uploaded evidence in two simple reports. The reports are available at project level from the reporting tab, under a new option in the left-hand menu called “Contractors”.
- Waste carrier report: This lists all the waste carriers assigned to your project including any that have been created by external contractors you have linked to your project. It provides a summary of details for all these waste carriers including name, carriers licence number, issue/expiry dates, link to view evidence uploads, name of company/business unit who created the carrier, whether it was created by an external contractor that the project has been linked to and an indication of whether waste destinations have been created for this carrier.
- Waste destination report: This lists all the waste destinations assigned to your project including any that have been created by external contractors you have linked to your project. It provides a summary of details for all these waste destinations including name, environmental permit number, issue/expiry dates, link to view evidence uploads, name of company/business unit who created the destination, and whether it was created by an external contractor that the project has been linked to. It also lists the recycling and energy recovery rates that have been entered for each destination along with start and end dates for these, an indication as to whether product specific recycling rates have been added and a link to view any evidence uploads.
Waste data log update – New column called “Data transferred via API” added to waste data log to show at a glance what data has been transferred via the API. A tick in this column indicates that the data entry was submitted via the API.
Other materials report update – A totals row added to the bottom of the “Other materials report”.
Saved KPI reports update – On the reporting tab, the left-hand menu option previously called “Saved KPI filters” has been renamed “Saved KPI reports”.
Adding data
Add waste data: waste data exception checks – Waste data exception checks have been added to the add waste data page to help reduce common errors that occur when entering data. The following checks will run when a waste entry is saved and a message box will appear if any data falls outside of the expected parameters, checking with the user whether they wish to go ahead and save:
- tonnage entered is higher than expected for the container type: where total tonnage/(number of skips *skip volume) > 2
- soils waste selected as coming from the “Construction” phase
- mixed waste selected as having the waste management route “Landfilled/Disposal”
- soils waste selected as having the waste management route “Landfilled/Disposal”.
Add waste data: new waste type added – “Waste from mineral non-metalliferous excavation (01 01 02)” added as a sub-category under the main category “Other waste”.
Add materials data: building element field – The building element field on the add materials data page has been made non-mandatory. However, for projects working towards BREEAM New Construction 2014, if no building element is selected, then upon saving a message box appears which asks the user if they wish to continue saving without adding building element data.
Additional guidance has been provided to give more information on how to make the best use of functions in the following locations:
- SmartWaste Release 7.3 video added to the SmartWaste Help page: This is a recording of the V7.3 release webinar which includes demonstrations for the features added to SmartWaste as part of the V7.3 release including creating bespoke KPI reports, SECR compliance and carbon reporting charts.
- I-button on the create KPI report page providing guidance on the types of KPI that can be used: “For live projects, using KPIs which consider project spend may be more accurate than those using project value or floor area. This is because project value and floor area are single figures entered for the full life of the project. Whereas spend data is usually regularly recorded throughout the life of a project providing a more accurate indication of progress.”
- I-button on the edit users page: “For GDPR reasons, SmartWaste super users and company admin users are only able to edit the user permission level for other users. Only the user themselves can edit their contact details and username and password.”
Account management
SmartWaste End User Licence Agreement update – When users next log in after V7.4 release is live, they will need to accept the latest SmartWaste End User Licence Agreement in order to proceed with using the tool.
SmartWaste V7.3 – 15th May 2019
The focus of this release is reporting enhancements. In addition, there is an update to the API for waste data transfer and extra user guidance in a couple of places across SmartWaste.
Reporting enhancements
Several improvements have been made to reporting making the filtering and extraction of data more flexible:
- All charts now have date filters – each chart can be filtered to view data for a selected time period. The filters that have been applied to a chart are visible on the chart download image.
- New carbon summary chart – easily view the kgCO2e values by month and source (waste, energy, transport, material and water) at all levels within your account.
Please note – SmartWaste will calculate the kgCO2e from:
- water use dated 1st April 2018 onwards
- waste management processes for waste transfers dated 1st March 2018 onwards
- embodied carbon of materials for deliveries dated 1st March 2018 onwards
- material/waste/staff transport dated 1st January 2015 onwards
- energy use dated 1st April 2007 onwards
- Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) – as a result of user feedback from the SmartWaste annual meeting held in January 2019, SmartWaste has been updated to enable collation of data for SECR. 22 new KPIs have been added to the SmartWaste KPI report to align with SECR requirements.
The following KPIs required for SECR already existed in SmartWaste:
Quantities (in the energy section of the SmartWaste KPI report)
- Quantity of red diesel used, L
- Quantity of petrol used, L
- Quantity of heating oil used, L
- Quantity of LPG used
- Quantity of white diesel used, L
- Quantity of biodiesel used, L
- Quantity of electricity (mains) used, kWh
- Quantity of natural gas (mains) used, kWh
- The following KPIs have been added to SmartWaste to enable SECR reporting:
Quantities (in the energy section of the SmartWaste KPI report)
- Energy use from red diesel, kWh
- Energy use from petrol, kWh
- Energy use from LPG, kWh
- Energy use from white diesel, kWh
- Energy use from heating Oil, kWh
- Energy use from biodiesel, kWh
- Total quantity of energy used, kWh
Scope 1 (in the carbon section of the SmartWaste KPI report)
- Tonnes CO2e from red diesel
- Tonnes CO2e from petrol
- Tonnes CO2e from LPG
- Tonnes CO2e from white diesel
- Tonnes CO2e from heating oil
- Tonnes CO2e from biodiesel
- Tonnes CO2e from combustion of fuel
Scope 2 (in the carbon section of the SmartWaste KPI report)
- Tonnes CO2e from electricity supplied
- Tonnes CO2e from natural gas supplied
- Tonnes CO2e from purchase of electricity, heat, steam or cooling
- Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, Tonnes CO2e
Scope 3 (optional) (in the carbon section of the SmartWaste KPI report)
- Tonnes CO2e from materials
- Tonnes CO2e from materials transport
- Tonnes CO2e from waste transport
- Tonnes CO2e from staff transport
- ‘Create KPI report’ function – create and run your own KPI report layout by creating named sections for your report and selecting which KPIs should appear within each section. The report layout can be saved with a chosen name and accessed from the ‘Saved KPI filters’ section so that it can easily be run again in the future. This new functionality makes KPI reporting more flexible helping in a number of ways such as allowing you to create tailored layouts to match company reporting or for setting out a layout for SECR reporting, for example with sections for quantities, scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 data.
- Filter option to view waste reports by quantity (m3/tonnes) or percentage – this filter has been added to the ‘waste types and routes’ report and ‘hazardous/non-hazardous waste’ report, allowing flexibility in reporting metrics as the user can decide whether to view the report data in total quantities or as a percentage of the total.
API waste data update
The ‘notes’ and ‘error comments’ fields associated with adding waste data have been included in the SmartWaste API, allowing additional details to be added to waste entries via the API.
Update to edit user page
To assist with account management, there is a new section on the edit users page that details which projects that user is assigned to.
Additional guidance has been provided to give more information on how to make the best use of functions in the following locations:
- Add/edit project details page – project value check: if a project is set up with a project value of less than £1000, when users save the project, a guidance window will pop up asking if you are sure you want to enter that figure as the project value. The user has the option to click ok to save the value as it is, or to click cancel to amend. This should help ensure the quality of project value data which is important because incorrect project values will result in the generation of incorrect data for any KPIs which use project value.
- ‘Project report’ date filters guidance: A note has been added to the ‘Project report’ available in the ‘Account management’ section of the reporting tab stating ‘Please note that the filters for the date range will run based on the end date of the projects’.
SmartWaste V7.2 – 30th March 2019
This release includes two new reports to assist with account management and an update to the mixed waste volume to tonnes conversion factor.
New account management reporting
Two new reports are available at the group and business unit levels making it quicker and easier to review the projects and users you have in your account. At the group level these reports are available to super users and company admin (top level) users. At business unit level these reports are available to super users, company admin (top level) users and company admin users. These additional reports have been added based on feedback received at the SmartWaste annual meeting held in January 2019.
Project report
This provides a simple summary of details for every project in your SmartWaste account including the project start and end date, floor area, project value, project spend and the numbers of carriers, facilities/destinations, subcontractors, suppliers and users assigned to the project. It also shows whether the project has been linked to your account by another SmartWaste member (i.e. you are not the project owner but have permission to add data to the project).
The report can be filtered to see which projects were active during a specific time period (date from and to) and for live/active projects and archived/unarchived projects. A total line is included summarising the floor area, project value, project spend and numbers assigned for the filters you have applied.
User report
This provides a summary of details for every user in your SmartWaste account including contact details, user permission type, date they last logged in, whether they have attended BRE SmartWaste training, last BRE SmartWaste training date, the business units the user is assigned to, the business unit from which the user was created (origin company) and whether the user has subscribed to receive marketing communications.
The report can be filtered by name, user permission type, when the user last logged in, whether the user has attended training or has subscribed to marketing communications.
Please note that the records of last log in will only capture those users that have logged in to SmartWaste from 4th March 2019 onwards, as this is when the functionality for recording last log in was activated. The last BRE SmartWaste training date will only capture those users that have attended BRE SmartWaste training from September 2016.
Mixed waste volume to tonnes conversion factor
The factor used by SmartWaste to convert the m3 bulk volume of mixed waste to tonnes has been updated to 0.32 in line with guidance in the latest ENCORD Construction Waste Measurement Protocol. This guidance can be found here
Any waste data added for the waste type ‘mixed construction and/or demolition waste (17 09 04)’ from 30th March 2019 onwards will use the new mixed waste conversion factor of 0.32. In addition, any existing waste entries using the waste type ‘mixed construction and/or demolition waste (17 09 04)’ which are amended and saved from 30th March 2019 onwards will also use the new mixed waste conversion factor.
SmartWaste V7.1 – 4th March 2019
This release includes the ability to drill down into the ‘waste by product group’ charts and other minor amendments to the waste module, changes to licence types and the ability to view past bulk uploads for materials and staff transport. Some additional KPIs have been created predominantly for the new cost module and recycling rates can now be added via the API.
Membership licence types – user limits and linked projects
Within the company licence table, on the company details page, the information on your maximum allowances for numbers of projects and users as part of your SmartWaste licence has been improved. Greater clarity is now available on how close you are to your licence allowances. Extension packs can be purchased for additional bundles of projects and/or users if you need to accommodate more than your current licence allows.
The total number of live projects is broken down into:
- live projects (projects that have been set up in your account with an end date after today)
- live linked projects (projects owned by someone else that have been linked to your account for you to enter data (with an end date after today)
The number of users has been updated to only count those users that are active i.e. excludes disabled users.
Waste module
Waste charts – At the project level, there is now the ability to drill down into the data making up the ‘Waste to date by product group’ chart. The chart shows total waste by the main waste categories. When clicking on one of the main waste category bars in the chart, you are taken to another chart which shows how that bar of data is divided between the main category and its sub-categories of waste. Clicking on a sub-category waste bar in this chart will take you to a filtered version of the waste data log which shows each individual entry that made up the sub-category waste bar in the chart. The colours of the bars in the chart have also been made static so that the same type of waste will always be the same colour.
Waste container list – amendments have been made to the following container names to bring further clarification:
- 0.1 cu metre bag/container (100L)
- 0.05 cu metre bag/container (50L)
- 20 cu yd container RORO (15.3 cu metre)
- 40 cu yd container RORO (30.6 cu metre)
Waste products – 20 02 02 Soil and Stone has been added as a sub-category under the main waste type ‘Other waste’.
Energy and water reports – labels filter
A filter is now available within the energy and water reports for labels that have been applied to water meters, electricity meters and gas meters enabling better interrogation of data.
Material and staff transport – view past bulk uploads
A log of past bulk uploads of materials transport and staff transport data is available that details when the bulk data was uploaded, the number of entries uploaded, the number of errors, an error report (if required), a copy of the file that was uploaded and details of who uploaded it. This log of past uploads can be found on the “Add data – Material transport” and “Add data – Staff transport” pages by clicking on the “View past uploads” button.
If you click on the date shown for an upload in the log, then a filtered version of the transport data log opens displaying only the entries from that bulk upload.
Users of level project admin or higher can delete a bulk upload from the past data bulk uploads page which will delete all the transport data associated with that upload in one go.
Additional KPIs
The following new KPIs have been added:
- Volume of non-hazardous waste
- Volume of non-hazardous waste landfilled
- Tonnes non-hazardous waste
- Tonnes non-hazardous waste landfilled
- Kg construction waste /m2 floor area
- KgCO2e from energy use/m2 floor area
- Total water use/m2 floor area
- Energy cost/£100k project value
- Energy cost/100m2 floor area
- Energy cost/£100k project spend
- Energy cost/£million project spend
- Water cost/£100k project value
- Water cost/100m2 floor area
- Water cost/£100k project spend
- Water cost/£million project spend
In line with GDPR the following changes have been made to SmartWaste:
- Contact details have now been hidden from the add/edit subcontractor and material suppliers’ details pages.
- Users will no longer be able to edit other users details except for their user permissions (for user types that sit below them only).
I-buttons have been added to provide clarity in the following places:
- Within the waste bulk upload form info sheet, for waste carriers, waste destinations and subcontractors: ‘If waste carriers, destinations and subcontractors contain special characters such as ~ or ‘ then the waste entry in the bulk upload form will not upload successfully‘.
- When saving a waste/materials/staff transport entry where Car or Van has been selected as the vehicle type and no fuel type has been selected the following message will pop up: ‘You have not selected a fuel type. If you save this entry without selecting a fuel type the fuel consumption and carbon emission for this journey will not be calculated’.
- On the fuel type columns on waste/staff transport/material transport bulk upload forms: ‘Please note that if the vehicle type chosen is car or van and you have not selected a fuel type, then the fuel consumption and carbon emission for this journey will not be calculated’.
- Within the help page under the online video tutorials, guidance has been provided should the videos not play automatically.
Subcontractors – assigned to projects
Like waste management contractors and material suppliers, you can now see which projects a subcontractor has been assigned to.
Add/edit project page
The ‘Construction Type’ field has now been made optional. This is so that SmartWaste can accommodate those projects that are beyond the scope of construction.
SmartWaste account manager contact details
On the ‘Company details’ page, super users can now see who their BRE SmartWaste account manager is, including their contact details.
SmartWaste API calls for creating, editing and viewing waste destinations have been updated to include the ability to add, edit and view recycling rates.
SmartWaste V7 – 12th November 2018
This release includes a new cost module for recording and monitoring costs for energy and water use, an improved list of waste container names and the addition of labels feature for water meters. There have also been some additional KPIs created, changes to the user permissions and improvements made to the marketing preference section.
Cost module for recording costs for energy and water
New functionality to record details of costs for energy use (including gas, electricity and fuels) and water use has been added.
Users can set costs for energy use or water use at company level and these will be applied as a default to project energy and water data. In addition, project specific costs can be added and these will be applied in place of company defaults. Users can edit cost data and updated costs will then be recalculated. NB If the number of data entries effected by the edited cost data exceeds 1500, a message will be sent to the SmartWaste team to carry out this recalculation outside of office hours.
A new reporting section, called “Cost” is available in the left hand menu of the reporting tab at all levels in SmartWaste. Here you will find the following new reports which can be filtered by date and downloaded in CSV format:
- Cost summary report – showing the cost from energy use, water use and the total cost.
- Energy cost report – showing monthly costs for each energy type, and an overall total cost for energy use
- Water cost report – showing monthly cost for water use, and an overall total cost for water use
- Chart – showing monthly costs broken down into water cost, electricity cost, gas cost and cost of other fuel types.
The cost reports will be generated from the data added in the water and energy modules and the information you enter on energy and water costs.
Updated container list
The container list in SmartWaste has been rationalised to provide a shorter list which is arranged by type of container to simplify the container selection.
Addition of labels feature for water meters
The labels feature can now be used on water meters, electricity meters and gas meters. For each meter set up multiple labels can be added.
Additional KPIs
The following new KPIs have been added:
- KgCO2e from waste landfilled/disposed
- KgCO2e from all modules (This includes CO2e from materials, waste management, energy use, transport (staff, materials and waste) and water use)
- Number of commercial vehicle movements from materials deliveries
- Number of commercial vehicle movements from waste removal (based on number of containers)
- Total number of commercial vehicle movements
- Total number of commercial vehicle movements/£100K project value
- Total number of commercial vehicle movements/£100K project spend
Updated user permissions
The user permissions have been updated so that company administrators can restrict the ability of project users to add/edit waste management contractors, subcontractors and materials suppliers.
Updated marketing preference section
The marketing preference section has been updated to allow you to choose what marketing information you wish to receive from BRE SmartSite and from BRE Group. All users of SmartWaste will be provided with product updates such as new releases and system maintenance.
SmartWaste V6.3 – 28th September 2018
This releases covers additional functionality for SmartWaste’s API (Application Programming Interface) which enables other applications to interact with SmartWaste, for example to facilitate uploading of data by waste management contractors.
The following have been added to the API:
- Ability to create new waste carriers, waste destinations and subcontractors in a SmartWaste account without having to assign them to a project at the same time.
- Ability to assign existing waste carriers, waste destinations and subcontractors to an existing project.
SmartWaste V6.2 – 6th August 2018
This release includes carbon reporting for water, the addition of the ‘Not in Use’ function for Material Suppliers, and the option to suggest a new KPI. There have also been several additional KPIs created and improvements made to the API system.
Carbon reporting for water
Carbon factors for water use have been added to SmartWaste. The carbon factor used can be found at company level under the ‘View carbon factors’ button on the ‘Company details’ tab. The carbon factor will be applied to any water usage entries with a date of 1st April 2018 or after.
Carbon is now calculated for water use in the following places:
- Add data tab – Water usage: The kgCO2e of carbon is shown for each water use data entry under a water meter.
- Reporting tab – Carbon: The ‘Carbon summary report’ has been updated to include a column showing kgCO2e from water use. This report can be found by clicking ‘Carbon’ in the left hand menu of the ‘Reporting’ tab.
- Reporting tab – This new report shows the total kgCO2e for water use each month and an overall total . This report can be filtered by date and downloaded in CSV format.
‘Not in Use’ function
The ‘Not in Use’ function has been extended to include Material Suppliers. Once marked ‘Not in Use’, suppliers cannot be assigned to new projects, and therefore will not appear in any drop-down lists for selection. Similar to Waste Management Contractors, a reason for not in use can be added to explain why the supplier has been removed.
Suggest a KPI function
There is now the ability to suggest a KPI that is not already available. This function sits at company level and is available to Company Admins and Super Users only. Click the ‘View KPIs’ button on the ‘Company details’ tab. From here click ‘Add KPIs’ to get to the ‘Assign KPIs’ page. Clicking on thebutton will lead to a form, which includes the fields: Module KPI relates to, description of KPI, and Units of KPI. Complete the form and click ‘Submit’ and the suggestion will be submitted to the SmartWaste team, who will review the request to avoid duplication and notify the user as to whether the KPI will be created and when. Once created, the KPI will sit within the relevant topic section alongside existing KPIs.
KPI report – Saved filters
Within the KPI report a new function has been added to save a selection of KPIs from the list, giving the filter selection a name. This filter is then added to the list for the KPI report. This can then be used in the future to quickly and easily run a report with those selected KPIs by choosing the saved filter from the list, entering the start date and end date required for the report and clicking ‘Update’. This makes the process of frequently running the same selection of KPIs more efficient.
Additional KPIs
New KPIs have been added, including:
- Total volume of waste/£100K project value
- Total volume of waste/£100K project spend
- Total volume of waste/£1M project value
- Total volume of waste/100m2
- Total tonnes of waste/£100K project value
- Total tonnes of waste/£100K project spend
- Total tonnes of waste/£1M project value
- Total tonnes of waste/100m2
- kgCO2e from waste management
- kgCO2e from materials
- CCS score – Care about Appearance
- CCS score – Respect the Community
- CCS score – Protect the Environment
- CCS score – Secure Everyone’s Safety
- CCS score – Value the Workforce
- Overall total CCS score
- Actual volume non-hazardous construction waste
- % Non-hazardous Construction waste diverted from landfill volume
- % Non-hazardous Demolition waste diverted from landfill volume
- % Non-hazardous Excavation waste diverted from landfill volume
- Tonnes non-hazardous construction waste
- kgCO2e from waste landfilled/disposed
- Total kgCO2e
Some of the existing KPIs have been renamed for clarity and those related to Carbon can now be found underneath the new Carbon section.
New calls have been added to the API to increase functionality for API Client users. The following new calls have been added:
- update waste data
- update waste carrier
- update waste destination
- update subcontractor.
SSL Certificate
The SSL Certificate for the SmartWaste URL has been updated to ensure data is protected.
SmartWaste V6.1 – 21st May 2018
This release includes a number of changes across SmartWaste.
Guidance and i-buttons
I-buttons have been updated in the following locations to provide better guidance:
- ‘Embodied carbon of materials (kgCO2e)’ on materials log: SmartWaste will calculate the embodied carbon of materials for deliveries dated 1st March 2018 onwards.
- ‘kgCO2e from waste management process’ on waste data log: SmartWaste will calculate the kgCO2e from the waste management process for waste transfers dated after 1st March 2018.
- ‘Target value’ on project level KPI report: No target value was entered at a project level so this value originates from the company level.
- ‘Waste formats applicable’ on set company options page:
Volume projects – Allows users to add new projects reporting waste by volume
Tonnage projects – Allows users to add new projects reporting waste in tonnes
A pop-up will now appear when adding new users to an account, reminding you to assign the user to a business unit (if applicable) and a project so that the user will be able to log in and access the areas relevant to them.
Extra text added to the summary report at the business unit/company level and group levels stating “To view all data across all date ranges, click update without entering date filters”.
Project linking
As the owner of a project, you are able to link it to other SmartWaste accounts to enable data entry or data viewing by a third party. The text and i-buttons on the assigning page where you can link a project to external contractors has been improved to make it clearer what permissions you are giving users in the other SmartWaste account.
The SWMP module on a linked project is visible in a read only format to external contractors linked to the project.
KPI report – filters and pdf
Two additional filters have been added to the KPI report at business unit/company level and group level, allowing better interrogation of data:
- Project status: ability to select all projects, live projects or completed projects
- Project Archived/Unarchived: ability to select all projects, unarchived projects or archived projects
When the KPI report has been run, a pdf of the report can now be downloaded.
Waste management contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers – created by and last modified by
On all add/edit pages related to waste management contractors (including contractor, carrier licences, facilities, environmental permits and recycling rates), subcontractors and material suppliers (including supplier and certificates) details of which user created/last modified the information is displayed:
- Created by – user who created the record and on what date
- Last modified by – user who last modified the record and on what date
Transport – total fuel consumption
For transport associated with waste, materials and staff the field ‘total fuel consumption’ has been made non-mandatory. For a BREEAM New Construction 2014 project, upon saving transport data for waste or materials, the following message appears:
“Please note that for BREEAM Man03 reporting, details of total fuel consumption from transport of construction materials and waste is required. Do you wish to continue saving without adding fuel consumption data?”
Users can then click ‘Ok’ to save the data or ‘Cancel’ to go back to the form.
Project type volume or tonnes
Within the set company options page, for ‘waste formats applicable’, users will only be able to set up new projects for the options selected i.e. volume projects and/or tonnage projects. If only one option is selected e.g. volume projects, any data for projects previously set up as tonnage projects will still be able to be viewed at the business unit/company levels but new projects will only be able to be set up as volume projects.
Materials – certificate validation
When certificate validation is enabled for the materials module, only valid certificates will appear in the ‘certificate number’ drop down box on the add materials data page. If a certificate for a supplier has been marked as suspended then it will not appear in the ‘certificate number’ drop down box when trying to add materials data for that supplier and certificate.
Waste bulk upload form
This form has been updated so that a row of data will not be uploaded if there is no date given. An error report will be generated stating that for this row of data the following error was found “date is required”.
SWMP pdf
The design and layout of the Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) pdf download has been improved.
SmartWaste V6 – 26th March 2018
This release includes a new look company homepage, the addition of new KPI reporting and target setting and inclusion of carbon reporting for waste and materials.
New look company home page
Changes have been made to the home page to speed up logging in and navigating through your SmartWaste account. In order to aid this, the summary data table from the company home page has been moved to the reporting tab under ‘Summary report’ in the left hand menu and in addition can now also be downloaded to csv. The company home page is now solely used to navigate to different business units/levels and projects in your account.
KPI Reporting
A new Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reporting feature has been added to allow users to monitor performance and measure against targets.
Assigning KPIs to your account: At the company level, in the company details tab, the relevant KPIs of interest to your company can be assigned to your account from a standard list for the waste, energy, water, materials, transport, biodiversity/ecology, project management and incidents/complaints/visits modules and BREEAM requirements.
Setting targets for KPIs: Targets can now be created for specific date ranges, this is useful for monitoring in line with continual improvement which may result in targets changing over time. Targets can be set against all of the new KPIs available at company and project level.
KPI report: This new report is available from the reporting tab by selecting “KPI report” from the left hand menu. Pick which KPIs you would like to include in the report (maximum of 20) and enter the date range you would like to run the report for. The KPI report is then generated as a table which can be downloaded in CSV format.
KPI builder: Look out for the ability to build your own company KPIs and run them in the KPI report. This feature will be coming in the next release.
Carbon reporting for materials and waste
A new reporting section, called “Carbon” is available in the left hand menu of the reporting tab at all levels in SmartWaste. Here you will find the following new reports which can be filtered by date and downloaded in CSV format:
- carbon summary report – showing the total kgCO2e from waste, energy, material and transport, and an overall total kgCO2e
- waste carbon report – showing monthly kgCO2e for each waste type and each waste route, and an overall total kgCO2e
- energy carbon report – showing monthly kgCo2e for each energy and fuel type, and an overall total kgCO2e
- materials carbon report – showing monthly kgCO2e for each material and each sub-material, and an overall total kgCO2e
- transport carbon report – showing monthly kgCO2e for each journey type (materials, waste and staff), each mode of transport and each fuel type, plus an overall total kgCO2e
The carbon reports will be generated from data you add to your account in the waste, energy, materials and transport modules. Default carbon factors were already in SmartWaste for energy and transport. Additional carbon factors have been added to enable the kgCO2e data to be generated for waste and materials. All of the carbon factors used, including their source, can be viewed at a company level under the ‘Company Details’ tab by clicking the ‘View carbon factors’ button. The waste carbon factors are based on the waste type and waste management route. The materials carbon factors are based on embodied carbon for the material or sub-material selected. The waste and materials carbon factors will be applied to any data you enter now with a date of 1st March 2018 onwards.
Materials module
To enable more accurate carbon data to be generated for materials, the option to select a material and then a specific sub-material within that group of materials has been added. Selecting a sub-material is optional.
I-buttons have been added to provide clarity in the following places:
- Waste Management Contractor report at Business Unit level and Group level; “Data for this report will only appear if the assigned carrier and destination for the waste item have a recovery rate that is not expired.”
- “Overall Tonnage” column on the “Edit Multiple Entries” page of the Waste Data Log report; “If you change the number of skips or the skip size, please delete the original ‘overall tonnage’ figure, once saved the SmartWaste system will re-calculate the tonnage figure.”
Other Improvements
Super users now have the ability to switch on/off the project linking functionality on your SmartWaste account. This can be found under the ‘Set Company Options’ button on the Company Details tab.
SmartWaste v5.3 – 5th February 2018
This release sees the addition of a new bulk upload function for materials data.
Bulk upload for materials data
The bulk upload for materials data provides the ability to upload multiple materials data entries into SmartWaste at once. A blank csv file and an associated material reference data document (containing lists of material suppliers, types of materials, certificates etc.) are available at the project level. Simply download the blank form, populate it with your material data, add the relevant reference data and upload the completed form to your project in SmartWaste.
The csv blank form is a simple format file with no drop downs; these lists are provided in the separate reference data document. The csv format file is designed to allow data to be easily copied and pasted. It may also be useful if you have historic data stored elsewhere which you wish to manipulate and upload to SmartWaste.
The reference data IDs provided in the separate reference data document alongside the csv blank form are needed by SmartWaste to enable uploading. Without these IDs, your data cannot be uploaded to SmartWaste.
Please read the guidance document explaining how to use the csv bulk upload for materials data, which can be found on the add materials data bulk upload page and the help page within your SmartWaste account.
SmartWaste V5.2 – 18 December 2017
This release provides a range of upgrades to existing SmartWaste modules.
Biodiversity module
Two new sub-sections have been added to the biodiversity module.
- Ability to record number of bird and/or bat boxes installed
- Ability to record number of trees removed and/or planted, with a figure provided for net gain or loss in trees
Water module
The water module has been split into two sub-sections, one for water use and one for water discharge. Under water use, water can be categorised as potable or non-potable. Relevant reports and charts have also been updated.
Add/edit project page
The floor area field on the add/edit project page has been made optional. This should assist sectors for which this metric is not appropriate such as civil engineering.
Waste module
Labels for waste data
Customised labels can now be created and added to waste data entries to enable better data categorisation. Create as many labels as required at the company level, and apply as appropriate to waste data entries. These labels can then be used to filter waste reports to aid data interrogation.
CSV bulk upload for waste
There is now an option to use a .csv file for bulk upload of waste data on a project. The .csv file is a simple format with no drop downs, designed to make copying and pasting of data easier. The key difference between this .csv and the current excel file is that it does not contain any reference data in dropdowns (such as waste facilities, carriers etc). As such, once data has been copy and pasted in, the reference data IDs will need to be added to enable uploading. These reference IDs are provided in a separate file alongside the csv bulk upload for waste. Without these IDs, your data cannot be uploaded to SmartWaste.
Please read the guidance document explaining how to use the .csv bulk upload for waste, which can be found on the waste bulk upload page.
Excel bulk upload for waste
Column names have been updated to provide clarity of the data to be entered, e.g. number to number of containers/skips. The SIC code column has been changed to reflect that it is non-mandatory. Additional columns have been added to allow the recording of up to two labels for a waste entry.
New user automated email
When a new user is added to SmartWaste, an automated email is now generated and sent to that user informing them of their username and password and how to log in.
User types
There are now more options for read only users which can be quickly activated from the add/edit user page by ticking the relevant box. There is one option to give read only users access to all projects in a business unit or management unit once the user is assigned to that unit. The second option is to give read only users permission to edit the QA fields for data entries which have this field.
The Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) five section names have been updated to match the latest titles outlined in the Code of Considerate Practice.
The CCS ID has now been removed from the add/edit project page and instead will be added when CCS data is added. This is to allow projects lasting for several years to maintain accurate records.
New filters have been added to company level reports to allow better interrogation of data: live and/or completed projects, and archived and/or unarchived projects.
CSV downloads of reports have been updated to include the project reference number as well as the project name to allow better searching of data.
SmartWaste V5.1 – 09 October 2017
This release provides a number of improvements such as updated information and guidance for users, greater filtering abilities on some lists and logs and enhancements to the waste management contractors and material suppliers pages.
Information and guidance
i-buttons in the following locations have been updated to provide further guidance for users:
- Add waste data page – ‘Upload of evidence of WTN or consignment note (pdf)’: New text stating ‘Only one file can be saved, if you have multiple WTNs please ensure they are in one single file (i.e. PDF or Zip).’
- Add recovery rate for waste facility page and recovery rate records page – ‘Recycled %’: new text added saying ‘If no recycling rate is given, then a default rate will be applied of 50% for unsegregated and/or mixed waste and 80% for segregated waste’.
- Add waste data page – ‘Waste management contractor – carrier’ and ‘Waste management contractor – destination’: New text stating ‘If the carrier/destination is not listed, you will need to assign it to the project’.
Guidance text now appears on the waste data log when editing multiple entries to provide information for users on what can and can’t be done when editing multiple entries.
Waste data log
When editing multiple entries on the waste data log, a “Select all” link has been added at the bottom of the page allowing all entries on the current page to be selected at once, rather than having to select each one individually.
Waste management contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers
On the project assigning page, the pod for waste management contractors has been improved. This has been split into 2 pods; one showing waste carriers and one showing waste destinations that have been assigned to the project.
For both waste management contractors and subcontractors, where the box has been ticked saying that contractor is ‘Not in use’, a new ‘Reason not in use’ field will now appear. Filling in this field will help users to understand why the relevant contractor is no longer being used as the information will be visible on the waste management contractor details page.
On both the waste management contractors and materials suppliers listing pages, a column labelled ‘Assigned to projects’ has been added to indicate with a tick or cross where waste management contractors and material suppliers have been assigned to projects. This aids with the management of large lists of contractors and suppliers, providing an at a glance view of which ones have been assigned to projects.
The following new filters have been added to the material suppliers and waste management contractors listing page:
- Origin company name (names of companies in drop down list)
- Expiry date (expired, expires within a month)
- Assigned to projects (yes/no)
Energy – Fuel data log
On the fuels data log, the following filters have been added, enabling better searching of data:
- Start date
- End date
- Fuel type
- Contractor
- Fuel use
Pre-demolition audit module
The pre-demolition audit module can now be activated on any project, even if the project type/workstream selected when setting up the project is not set to demolition. This provides more flexibility for users.
SmartWaste V5 – 17 July 2017
This release sees the availability of two new modules, a new data labelling function and a small update to adding material data for timber. Each of these is described below.
Project management module
This new module allows the recording of data in 3 sub-modules for each project:
Staff hours – The number of staff hours for the project for a given time period e.g. monthly, including:
- From date
- To date
- Staff hours (number)
- Contractor name (drop down list)
- Labels (add label)
Staff numbers – The number of staff on the project for a given time period, including:
- From date
- To date
- Number of staff (number)
- Contractor name (drop down list)
- Labels (add label)
Toolbox talks – Logging toolbox talks completed on the project, including:
- date the talk took place
- type of talk (environment, health & wellbeing, safety)
- title of talk
- number of attendees
- contractor type (e.g. the company or a subcontractor assigned to the project)
- name of person carrying out the toolbox talk
- ability to upload evidence e.g. copy of the signed register of attendees
- Labels (add label)
Incidents, complaints and visits module
This new module provides the ability to record authority notices, visits, complaints and other incidents for various environmental and project issues. The following incident/complaint/visit information can be recorded for a project:
- date of the incident, complaint or visit
- type of incident (authority notice, authority visit, complaint, warning letter, or other)
- notifying party
- topic
- category
- description/nature of incident, complaint or visit
- actions taken
- upload of evidence e.g. incident report, visit report
- Comments
- Labels (add label)
Labels feature
When creating an entry in any one of the sub-modules within new project management module or the new incidents, complaints and visits module, you can add a label to the data entry to enable you to categorise the data with a label that is relevant to your business.
From the company details tab within your SmartWaste account, you can set up and manage a list of data labels which is then available for use throughout your SmartWaste account. This list of labels is only visible in your SmartWaste account for your use and can be used to label data entries.
In this SmartWaste V5 release, this new labels feature has been applied to the new modules of project management and incidents, complaints and visits. In the future we intend to extend the use of this label to other modules.
Update to the materials module – for timber data
When adding timber data within the materials module, there are now two new optional fields allowing you to record the timber species and timber country of origin by selecting from the available drop down lists if you wish.
Contractors search function
A filter has been added to the company level listing pages for waste management contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers. This allows you to enter part of a company name and search your full list of contractors or suppliers. A list of company names containing the text you searched for are then presented. This new function allows you to quickly locate the contractor or supplier you are looking for in a long list of company names.
Add waste data page updates
Some parts of the add waste data page have been updated to make field names clearer with improved i-button information. This is to bring the page more in line with the Waste Duty of Care Code of Practice. As part of this a number of fields on the add waste data page have had updates to their names and the descriptions in their i-buttons to provide more clarity.
SmartWaste V4 ‘The Biodiversity Release’ – 24 April 2017
A new “Edit company” tab
This is available from the group and company level. From here you can edit your company details, view your company licence details, activate modules you wish to be available in your company account and set options for your company account such as:
- Waste formats applicable (volume and/or tonnage projects)
- The type of KPI to be applied throughout your account (/£100k project value, /£100k total project spend or /£1 million total project spend)
- Transport data format to be used (kilometres or miles)
- Activate traffic lights to show when data was last entered (with either default or user entered settings)
- Apply filters to the group/company homepage based on a time period (show all data, rolling 12 month period, calendar year 1 April to 31 March). Data on the homepages can still be filtered using the date range on the page to show a different period of data.
- Choose for project value and cost data to only be available to the company super user level
- Disable certificate validate (for materials module)
A new module for “Biodiversity and ecology”
This has 4 sections which can be turned on or off including:
- Biodiversity champion – to record the name of the project’s biodiversity champion.
- Habitat area – to record habitat areas before and after construction and any new offsite areas created.
- Site surveys – to record any surveys which have been undertaken for the site related to biodiversity and ecology.
- Biodiversity and ecology features – to record biodiversity and ecology features of importance for the project and then record actions to be undertaken for each of these features. Actions can then be marked as completed and supporting evidence can be uploaded.
Waste management improvements
A number of improvements have been made to waste management contractors, subcontractors and suppliers (from here on referred to as “contractors and suppliers”).
- Listing and assigning pages – Lists of contractors and suppliers can be long so they have been split into pages to ensure each page loads quickly and you can navigate through the pages easily. This has also been applied to assigning pages where contractors and suppliers are listed. On assigning pages, you will need to select all contractors or suppliers on that page and click save before moving on to the next page to select and assign further contractors or suppliers.
- Adding new contractors and suppliers – When adding a new contractor or supplier a search is now performed checking for any which already exist with a similar name before you can create a new one. This should help reduce duplicate contractors/suppliers being created.
Improvements to charts:
- Company level charts now have date filters to enable better interrogation of data.
- Improvement of transport by material type charts at the company level to make data easier to interpret.
Additional improvements
- New target for “% all waste diverted from landfill” available at all levels.
- Add energy and water data pages have a new “Notes” field in which additional details about the entry can be recorded.
- On the add waste data page for tonnage projects there is now a total calculated as you are entering data to show you the total tonnage you have allocated to that entry.
- Each user is now able to unsubscribe from the SmartWaste mailing list meaning that they will no longer receive newsletters from the SmartWaste team. On the user list for an account there is now a column showing which users are subscribed.
- The function for validating of material/timber suppliers certificates can now be switched off from the “Edit company” tab by selecting set company options.
SmartWaste V3.1 Release – 16 January 2017
- Waste management routes report (company level) – Data in the waste management routes report available at the company level can now be obtained in either percentages or totals.
- Recovery rates – For waste facility energy recovery rates you can now record the name of the energy recovery facility that this relates to.
- Waste data – editing and deleting multiple entries:
Waste data log:
- A new function is available allowing mass editing and deleting of waste data directly from the waste data log, enabling multiple waste entries to be selected and either edited or deleted at the same time.
- Users who can currently edit individual waste entries from the waste data log can now also edit multiple entries all at the same time. This applies to user level project user or higher.
- Users who can currently delete individual waste entries from the waste data log can now also delete multiple entries all at the same time. This applies to user level project admin or higher.
Waste data bulk upload:
- A log of past waste data bulk uploads is available that details when the bulk waste data was uploaded, the number of entries, the number of errors and a copy of the file that was uploaded.
- If you click on the date shown for an upload in the log, then a filtered version of the waste data log will be opened displaying only the entries from that bulk upload. From here you can select multiple entries to edit or delete.
- Alternatively, from the log of past bulk uploads, users will be able to delete a bulk upload which will delete all of the waste data from that upload. This applies to user level project admin or higher.
SmartWaste V3.0 Release – 07 November 2016
- Recording waste data in volume or tonnes – You are now able to decide for your whole account how you wish waste data to be recorded. Currently you choose when setting up a project whether it will be recording waste data in volume or tonnage. We are now giving you the ability to set which of these options are applied to the whole of your account. So you can choose for all projects in your account to be set up to record waste data in volume, or all projects to record waste in tonnes, or you can choose to keep the option for the user to decide whether to record waste in volume or tonnage at project set up.
- Pre-construction projects – Projects are currently split into live and completed projects lists. We are adding to this a new separate list of “pre-construction” projects where the start date of the project is in the future. The project will automatically move into the live projects list when the start date becomes current.
- SmartWaste timber module will be incorporated into materials – The 2 modules have now been combined into 1 module called Materials. This includes the previous timber module to improve consistency and provide one place to capture all your data on materials.
- Timber certification scheme – The claims that you can record have been updated in line with the latest FSC guidance.
- Validation of timber certificates – You can now record who within your company has checked via external websites that a timber certificate is valid. Only if a certificate is marked as valid in SmartWaste, will it appear in the certification number drop down list when adding timber data on the add materials data page.
- BREEAM waste credit targets – You are now able to select the number of BREEAM waste credits you are aiming for when setting company and project targets. This is in addition to the existing functionality of being able to add specific targets for waste generation and diversion from landfill.
- Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) – In step 2 of the SWMP which looks at waste minimisation, you are now able to edit all rows of the table at once on the same screen, as well as adding new rows whilst doing this.
- SIC code on add waste data page – A new field has been included on the add waste data page to allow the recording of the SIC code.
- Waste data log – The ability to record any comments regarding errors with waste data can now be added via the add waste data page and the comments are visible in the waste data log. This is useful for auditing and QA procedures.
- SmartWaste new user reports – Several new reports have been created to help better manage and understand your environmental impacts. These new reports will expand the reach of SmartWaste’s reporting capabilities, giving you even more information to improve performance and solve problems as they occur.
- Waste management routes by project – This new report available at company/group level shows a summary per project of the total amount of waste generated and a breakdown of how much of this went to each waste management route detailing the volumes and/or tonnages reused, recycled, sent for recovery, recovered, energy recovered and landfilled. The energy recovered and landfilled figures include waste sent directly to those routes and also sent indirectly which means waste dealt with via a waste facility where a certain proportion was sent for energy recovery and/or landfill. The indirect figures are calculated using the recycling and energy recovery rates you enter for waste facilities.
- Energy CO2e report – Previously called the “Energy report” we have updated the name so that it is clearer what data is presented in this report. The layout of the report has not changed; it shows the kgCO2e generated per project from electricity, natural gas and fuel consumption. This report is available at both project and company/group level. At a company or group level it provides this information per project and also gives kgCO2e totals for each type of energy consumption for the company and overall totals for each project.
- Energy raw data – This is a new report which shows the raw energy data that you have entered which is used to create the kgCO2e figures. It provides the kWh consumption for electricity and natural gas and litres consumption for fuels. This report is available at both project and company/group level. At a company or group level it presents this information per project.
- Waste management contractors – This new report at company/group level shows a summary for each project of how much waste has been sent to each waste facility and whether a generic and/or product specific recycling rate was used, and how much waste was recovered.
- Materials reporting – the existing timber and other materials reports and charts can now be found sitting alongside each other in the new section in the reporting menu bar called “Materials”.
- Three new waste charts – These are available at company/group level. The first is for waste arisings by construction phase, showing the split between waste arising from the phases of construction, demolition, excavation and modular which will help you to better understand when in the project timeline waste is generated. The second chart shows the top 5 waste streams arising for the company which gives you the information you need to be able to follow up with sites to determine the reasons why this waste is arising and identify how it could be reduced. The third chart shows the waste arising by waste type and the waste management routes they were sent to, providing a useful overview of how waste is managed by your company.
SMARTWaste V2.1 Release – 08 August 2016
This release is focused on reporting enhancements and exporting data.
- Project Dashboard – The project home page has been renamed to the Project Dashboard where you can view summarised project data in tables as well as various charts. You can filter this by date and also download a formatted PDF or raw data as a CSV file.
- Edit Project – This page is where you can amend the project details, set targets and activate modules
- New Filterable Waste Report – You now have the ability to narrow your search on this report with multiple filters including the option to save specific filters to allow you to easily run the same report in the future. This applies to both Company and Project level.
- Waste Data Log – The layout of this has been reorganised and improved including the download
- Export Reports – The waste types and routes report (previously detailed information report) and the new waste report filters can now be downloaded as a PDF or CSV file
SMARTWaste V2.0 Release – 18 April 2016
- SMARTWaste Modularisation – With the increasing number of modules being added to the SMARTWaste tool, we want to keep the user experience slick and relevant to you. Account Super Users can now disable and hide any individual modules in SMARTWaste that you do not currently use. This is set at the Company Account Level and applies to all projects. Modules can be switched on and off at any time, and will not affect any data collected. The full list of SMARTWaste modules currently available to all SMARTWaste members are:
- Waste
- Energy
- Water
- Timber
- Transport
- Materials
- Considerate Constructors Scheme
- Pre-demolition Audit
- Master List of Waste Management Contractor Records – (Note: This function only applies to Group Level SMARTWaste Accounts that have three or more reporting tiers e.g. Company > Business Unit > Project). This new functionality has created one Master list of company-wide Waste Management Contractors available to ALL business units at all levels. This replaces the previous separate lists that were individually managed and edited at the Business Unit level. The new Master List will sit at the Company Level but can still be edited and added to at the Business Unit level. This improvement will avoid duplicate Waste Management Contractors entries across multiple business units saving both staff time and improving the accuracy of your waste contractor records and recycling rates.
- Waste Recycling & Energy Recovery Rates – When entering recycling rates in SMARTWaste for a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) it is now possible to enter the percentage of waste materials recovered that are ‘recycled’ and those sent for incineration with ‘energy recovery’. Both options divert the waste from landfill however entering these rates will more accurately capture and report on exactly where your waste is going. If you are not able to get information from your waste contractor on the split between waste recycled and sent for energy recovery then you can continue to record waste in SMARTWaste that has been ‘Recovered’ (and diverted from landfill) by just entering an Overall % “Recovery” rate.
- Default Waste Recovery Rates – Default waste recovery rates have been added to SMARTWaste. This improves on the scenario where the absence of a ‘Recovery rate’ for a waste facility would lead to the waste being reported as 100% being sent to Landfill. Instead two default recovery rates will now be applied depending on whether the waste is mixed or segregated. For mixed (unsegregated) construction waste SMARTWaste will apply a 50% default recovery rate. For segregated waste (e.g. one waste material per skip) SMARTWaste will apply a 80% default recovery rate. These default rates are a recognised industry wide average. Obviously individual waste facilities can and do perform above these rates. As before you can still enter an ‘actual’ recovery rate in SMARTWaste for a waste facility which would overwrite the default recovery rates.
- Project Linking – It is now possible to link a project between two or more SMARTWaste Accounts. This functionality will be useful where two or more SMARTWaste member companies are both working on the same construction project. It avoids the same project and environmental data being entered into SMARTWaste more than once. It also allows a Client or Principal Contractor to link their project to a sub-contractor working on the project to enter their own environmental data which reports back up to the Client or Principal Contractor.
PLEASE NOTE: If you require to link a project please contact the SMARTWaste team for further assistance as this function must be enabled on an account by account basis. We will also talk you through the steps for linking your project to another SMARTWaste Account.
- Printer-friendly Site Waste Management Plan – New functionality to print your SWMP in a print friendly PDF format.
- Additional SWMP functionality
- Waste Management Options (Step 4) will now auto-complete with the waste materials forecast in Step 3.
- Post Project Review (Step 9) includes a new ‘snapshot’ feature that takes the ‘Actual versus Forecast’ waste table from Step 7. This allows the user to easily review and comment on the overall project performance based on the data presented in the table.
- A new summary SWMP table has been added to the Project Dashboard that highlights the completion status of each step in the SWMP.
SMARTWaste V1.1 (Live from 09/11/2015)
- BREEAM New Construction 2014 – A new comprehensive BREEAM New Construction 2014 Report is available at the Project Level that provides all the necessary information from SMARTWaste required by your BREEAM Assessor in one report (accessible from the Project Level Reporting tab).
- New Materials reporting module (Available to all members) – Allows users to record the purchase of certified and non-certified materials on your construction project. Monitor construction materials against the following responsible sourcing standards
- BES6001 scheme
- BS8902 CARES scheme
- Eco-Reinforcement scheme
- ISO14001 scheme
- Assigning users and contractors made easier – A new button on the set up page for users and contractors now allows you to immediately assign a new user/contractor/supplier that has been added to the system to a project(s) by selecting from a list of projects.
- Project cost hide function – This function allows project costs to be hidden to all users other than the Super User. It is accessible from the ‘My Company’ page and can only be switched on/off by the SMARTWaste Super User.
- CO2 Conversion factors – New DECC 2015 CO2 factors added to SMARTWaste.
- New fuel type added – White diesel and its conversion factor has been added to the Fuel Reporting module
- Gas Reporting – New function to add project gas consumption in m3. The system will then convert these units to kWh and CO2
- WRAP Halving Waste to Landfill – The link from SMARTWaste to the WRAP Halving waste to landfill portal has been removed. WRAP have stopped all support to the Construction sector (under the Built Environment Programme) including all tools.
- Membership Renewal notifications – Membership notifications will now appear on your company homepage relating to membership renewal expiry dates.
- Considerate Constructors Scheme module – The CCS module has now been added to all member accounts to help track, target and report on their project’s CCS scores. This module is added at the Project Level if you want to track CCS scores for any particular project.
- Transport reporting module – The transport module has now been added to all member accounts which allows users to record journeys and report associated fuel used, and related CO2 emissions for waste removed from site, material deliveries, and staff travel.
Release No: 2018 R15.1
Release Date 08.03.2019
Release By: BA Development Team
- Revised Audit and Inspection Reports
- When completing an Audit or Inspection the system will produce a revised report. This report will be available from both the desktop and mobile app and will be generated as a PDF file.
- The Audit and Inspection processes will include a capability to add an Executive Summary. Additional information and instructions can still be entered, in a separate field.
- The layout of the new Audit and Inspection report is as follows:
- A header section that now includes the Executive Summary.
- A table of actions, in risk rating order (high to low). The Action ID is hyperlinked back to the detail, and each action in the report will include any photos that have been added.
- Question responses presented in the same order as the template. For each question line the report shows the Audit/Inspection Result ID, Question Header, Question, Applicable (Yes or No), Satisfactory (Yes or No) and Comments. If an Observation has been added to a question, this will show below the question, with the following details: Observation ID (hyperlinked back to the detail), Observation Category, Performance Category (Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory), Summary, Full Description, Action IDs, Location (Floorplan with pin) and any Observation Photos that have been added.
- Electronic (email) distribution of Audit and Inspection Reports
- YellowJacket now provides the opportunity to send a copy of the Audit or Inspection report via email to other recipients. A drop-down list of available users will be available (from the desktop and mobile app) to select from. The drop-down selection list will be of the Organisations users that have been associated with the Commission.
- Inspection Scorecard Report
- From the Inspection Scorecard Report, drilling down from the either the Total, Open or Overdue Actions fields will take you to a revised detail report. This revised detail report now includes the Action Summary field.
- Incident by Cause Report
- The Incident by Cause Report has been revised to now include the Injury Classification field for each
- transaction. In addition, the Summary field has been amended to remove the characters displayed limitation. This will now show the full Summary.
- Observation by Performance Category Report
- An additional column has been added to Observation by Performance Category Report. This field summarises the number of actions closed, resolved and still pending against the Commission. The drill-down (i.e. View details) will still take you to the detailed sub-report.
- Observation Report
- This release includes a new Observation Report. This report is located in ‘Reports’ under the ‘Action & Observation Reports’ section.
- The purpose of the report is to enable a user to easily search for observations across commissions and within a date range and identify who raised them.
- The selection parameters for the report are: Commission, Organisation, Division, Location, Service Provider, Observation Category and Date Range.
- The fields that appear on the report are: Commission, Responsible Organisation, Observation Category, Observation Type, Performance Category, Observation ID, Created by User, Created Date, Location (location description, not floorplan), Observation Summary and Observation Description
- The report can be exported as a PDF file, and to MS Excel, MS Word and as a CSV file.
- Actions to Contractors (T/P) that do not have a YJ licence
- In YellowJacket currently, where the Responsible Party is not a licensed YellowJacket account/user it is possible to allocate an action to that account/user. Without an account it is then possible for the action to be resolved and closed. Typically, in this circumstance, the originator of the action will raise the action on themselves.
- In R15.1 the action allocation rules will change. The system will recognise that an Account is unlicensed. It will still be possible to raise an Observation on an unlicensed Account, but it will no longer be possible to raise an Action. Instead, the ‘Person to Act’ will default to the Originator. If the Originator allocated the action to themselves the system will not send an email notification (i.e. functionality that was added in R15 for Very High and High risk rated actions) and will deliver a simplified resolution and close out process. This will now be a single step.
- Modify Commission Manager system administration Permissions
- The menu system administration menu options to ‘Create Organisation’ and ‘Maintain Organisation’ will be removed for Commission Managers.
- Changed text on App from ‘Create…’ to ‘Send Observation Now’.
- On the YellowJacket Mobile App, the wording to release an action before publication of an Audit or Inspection will change from ‘Create observation now’ to ‘Send observation now’.
Release No: 2018 R15
Release Date 26.11.2018
Release By: BA Development Team
- System Administration Reports (new). This addition to the report menu option will only be accessible by YellowJacket System Administrators. System Administration Reports will be exportable in MS Excel, MS Word and CSV formats. Reports included in R15 are:
- Approved Users Report. This report is run at organisation/company account level. The list of approved users will be those on the system at report runtime. The report will show a user’s email address, name, login name, if they are approved, whether they have been locked out, when they last logged in, what roles have been assigned, a list of commissions the user is currently assigned to, and the user created date.
- Active Commission Report. The Active Commission Report is run at organisation/company account level. The list of active commissions available to the organisation will be those on the system at report runtime. The report will show the commission name and reference, start and end dates, the address and commission reporting parameters.
- User Activity Log. The User Activity Log can be run for all commissions or for selected commissions, and with specified start and end date parameters. The report will show, by month, the user name, email address, commission, number of inspections and audits completed, number of observations raised, number of actions assigned, number of actions resolved and/or closed out on time and the number of actions overdue.
- Staff & Hours Report. The Staff & Hours Report can be run with the following selection parameters: by organisation/company account, commission, company division, cost centre, service provider, sector and with specified start and end dates. The report will show the number of company staff and hours worked for each month selected, and number of subcontractor staff and hours worked over the same period.
- System generated email to new users. When a new user has been created on YellowJacket, the system will automatically send the new user a preconfigured email with their username and password.
- Incident Severity Frequency Rate (ISFR) Report. In R14.1 we introduced revised Incident Reports for Project Injury Frequency Rate (Cumulative), Injury Frequency Rate – Rolling 12 Months (Organisation/Company Division) and Injury Incident Rate – Rolling 12 Months (Organisation/Company Division). In R15 we will introduce a revised Incident Severity Frequency Rate (ISFR) report that will replace the ASR and Monthly ASR Reports. To complete the enhancement project for these revised Incident Reports R15 will also include the following changes:
- We will be updating the Incident Dashboard and the KPI Dashboard Names to be consistent with the revised Incident Reports. We will be adding KPI Trend Lines to the Incident reports for the KPI Threshold figures for RIIR, RIFR, and ISFR.
- Pop-up validation for entered KPI performance data will be included. When performance information (i.e. staff and hours) is being entered, the system will validate the data. If it falls outside of a configured and predetermined Baseline the system will colour code the variance (i.e. RAG) and allow the Commission Manager to provide an explanatory comment.
- The system will support a benchmark for hours worked per month at Commission Level. The benchmark will be used to validate staff and hours entered in performance information and will be set and maintained in ‘Maintain Calculations’.
- The user is to be blocked from entering staff and hours when the data date falls outside the commission start and end date. When zeroes are entered for a valid month a validation process will take place that requires the user to enter an explanatory comment.
- Amending Commission Start and End Dates. A Commission Manager will no longer be able to amend Commission Start and End Dates. Only System Administrators will have this ability.
- Modified Incident Severity Descriptions. The Incident Severity descriptions for negligible, marginal, critical, and catastrophic will be updated in line with HSE text.
- Reducing the number of system generate emails. The system currently generates an email for every action raised. In R15 we are applying new logic to reduce the number of system generated emails sent to an individual user. The following changes are being applied for action emails:
- Where an action is raised by the Originator on the Originator. This may be because the responsible organisation does not have a YJ licence, or simply where the Originator wants to record an action for later follow up (e.g. an aide memoir). In this situation, no email notification is will be sent where Originator (created by) = Responsible Party (assigned to).
- Where an action is raised on a satisfactory observation, no email action notification will be sent.
- Where an action is raised on an unsatisfactory observation, and the risk is categorised as ‘High Risk’ or ‘Very High Risk’ the system will continue to send an email notification. For all other conditions the system will collate the actions and produce a ‘Daily Actions Report’ that will be emailed to the user.
- The records in the ‘Daily Actions Report’ will be based upon all actions assigned to the user in the previous 24-hour period. If the user has actioned any of these items, this will not be reflected in the report. Each action listed in the ‘Daily Actions Report’ has an embedded hyperlink to take the user to the action in YellowJacket.
- Draft records on email summaries. The inclusion of draft records on email summaries will become optional. System Administrators can enable/disable draft records from appearing at Organisation/Company level.
Release No: 2018 R14.1
Release Date 15.07.2018
Release By: BA Development Team
- Embedded Training Videos. For Companies that have completed their YellowJacket training we have now embedded training videos in the YellowJacket desktop:
- Clicking on this ‘Training Videos’ option will provide you with access to all the available video modules that cover a broad range of topics.
- Module 1 will load by default. Scrolling through the list and selecting the video module you are interested in will load that instead.
- If you require access to these embedded training videos please contact your YellowJacket Account Manager or the YellowJacket Helpdesk.
- YellowJacket Training videos use Adobe Shockwave. If your browser does not have the Adobe Shockwave payer installed, this can be downloaded from
- Information on Adobe Shockwave, including system requirements, can be found at,/shocjwave/kb/shockwave-player-faq.html
- YellowJacket Mobile App. In the previous release of YellowJacket we added an Online/Offline mode that takes the YellowJacket Mobile App fully offline, without impacting upon other apps and services on your mobile device. In Release 14.1 we have added further functionality to enhance your mobile working experience:
- Your Commission Favourites on the Mobile App
- The YellowJacket Mobile App now presents you with the list of Commissions you have selected on the desktop. Using the toggle switch against each Commission on the Mobile App you can choose which you want to synchronise data for (image to the right).
- Those Commissions that have outstanding actions, inspections or audits are marked with an *. If you do not select these Commissions the associated data will not download to your device.
- At any time, you can revise your Commission selection on the Mobile App. Selecting the Menu button from the top right of the screen enables you to choose the ‘Commission Select’ option (image to the far right). This will take you back to the list of Commissions, where you can reset the toggle switches, and synchronise data.
- Your Commission Favourites on the Mobile App
- Releasing an Observation and Action before publishing an Inspection or Audit:
- If you are working on a long audit or inspection, but want to issue an observation and action before completion (i.e. publication) you can now do so from the Mobile App. A toggle switch on the ‘Complete Observation’ screen prompts you to ‘Complete observation now’ (image to the right). If this is selected YellowJacket will create a Commission Observation and associated Action when the ‘Finish’ button is pushed.
- Once you have completed (published) your inspection or audit on the Mobile App the Commission Observation and associated Action will be integrated back into your inspection or audit.
- If, for some reason, you do not complete the audit or inspection, the Commission Observation and associated Action will continue to exist in YellowJacket.
- The capability of releasing an Observation and Action before completion of an audit or inspection is only available when the YellowJacket Mobile App is in Online mode.
- Action by Observation Type Report. The Action by Observation Type Report has been amended. It now includes a ‘Generate Report’ button that will provide the detail on all Commissions within a Division.
- New and revised Incident Reports:
- The Incident Reports available from YellowJacket have been revised. The new and revised reports are:
- Project Injury Frequency Rate (Cumulative)
- Injury Frequency Rate – Rolling 12 Months (Organisation/Company Division)
- Injury Incident Rate – Rolling 12 Months (Organisation/Company Division)
- These new Incident Reports replace AIR and Monthly AIR, AFR and Monthly AFR reports.
- Improvement has been made to the data extraction and loading mechanism to improve response and enhance report accuracy.
- The Incident Reports available from YellowJacket have been revised. The new and revised reports are:
Release No: 2018 R14
Release Date 28.05.2018
Release By: BA Development Team
- Enhancement of the YellowJacket Mobile App to improve and shorten data load times.
- Revised terms and conditions of use that reflect the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). Users of YellowJacket will be required to accept these revised terms and conditions to use the software.
- An Online/Offline mode that takes the YellowJacket Mobile App fully offline:
- In Offline Mode the functionality of the YellowJacket Mobile App remains available.
- Toggling back to Online mode causes data synchronisation and updating of YellowJacket.
Release No: 2018 R13
Release Date 22.01.2018
Release By: BA Development Team
- Rework of the dashboard’s code resulting in decreased dashboard loading times
- Implemented an automated cache clear down feature to enhance system stability
- System administrators will now have the ability to add/remove incidents from reporting analysis provided the record is published and not closed
- All types of consequences associated to an incident record are now displayed under “Upcoming Tasks and Events”
- Implemented a company level view to the Actions by Observation Type report
- A full list of sub-contractors now appears on the YellowJacket app
New Functionality (Create Organisation):
- Ability to add more than one primary contact when creating an organisation
- When an organisation is added, only the creating organisation will have the ability to edit the details
- Visibility of primary contact details restricted to the creating organisation
- Ability to search for existing organisation with visibility as to whether they are a YellowJacket licence holder or not
Release No: 2017 R12 (Environment Upgrade)
Release Date 20.11.2017
Release By: BA Development Team
YellowJacket has been updated to the latest Sharepoint platform.
Release 12 includes:
- Upgrade SharePoint 2010 to 2016
- Upgrade SQL Server 2008R2 to 2016
Benefits of these changes:
- With the advent of SharePoint 2016 not only are new possibilities introduced but also best practises have evolved. The new platform provides scope for future performance improvements to speed up reports, dashboards and portals.
- Minor aesthetic changes to text formatting and icon buttons.
Release No: 2017 R11.1
Release Date: 11.09.2017
Released By: BA Development Team
Functionality Released:
- Amend ‘return to work day’ once record is published
- Amend ‘Injury Classification’ on the consequences after they are published
- Incident visibility once assigned to a Lead Investigator – The creator should have visibility and see any updates made by the lead investigator
- Weekly Summary Email Reports to include the ‘Created By’ field under the ‘Actions Overdue’ section
Release No: 2017 R11
Release Date: 12.06.2017
Released By: BA Development Team
Functionality Released:
Incident Module Redesign
The incident module has been redesigned to provide a more intuitive process for logging your incidents. The key new features now include:
- Screen design to align with the Observations and Actions pages
- Ability to log the whole incident from start to finish (including observations and actions) on one screen
- Removal of the Master/Child record concept
- An incident dashboard to provide a single view of everything captured including the consequences and observations/actions
- Additional email notifications including when the incident is ready for close out
- Ability to add the location of the incident through the location map functionality
- A Body Map under the ‘Injury’ consequence to allow you to pin point all injuries
- The ‘Occupation’ field on the ‘Injury’ and ‘Industrial Disease’ consequence is now a drop down list
- The UK HSE Incident cost calculator link is now provided next to ‘Estimated cost’ and is no longer a mandatory field
Weekly Summary Email Reports
An improvement has been made to the existing weekly summary emails to include the following new fields:
- The ‘Observation ID’ will be displayed after the ‘Action ID’ to allow you to identify the actions easily from YellowJacket
- The ‘Created By’ field has been added after the ‘Status’ field to allow you to identify who has created the audit/inspection record
Password Reset
Users are now able to reset their password after the 5th incorrect attempt via the links provided on the login page
Release No: 2016 R10(Upgrade)
Release Date: 27.06.2016
Released By: BA Development Team
Area Type Description Process Improvement System Enhancement Users will have access to capturing process improvement data including time lost on process type issues. This will only be accessible once the training has been completed. The data capture aspect will be available via the mobile app with the reporting being available on the desktop. Report Actions by Organisation Previously, when running this report it looked at who created the record and not the company who is responsible. This fix changes this to point at the responsible organisation as opposed to the creating organisation. ISO9001 Terms & Conditions System Enhancement Currently, new users of YellowJacket are sent an email copy of the T&C’s. This new enhancement will prompt new users to accept the T&C’s after login to gain access to YellowJacket
Pick lists Bug Fix This fix will prevent system administrators from entering duplicate entries on the pick lists where they are done simultaneously. This is especially useful during training sessions where multiple system administrators are working together to enter data.
Mobile App Bug Fix Some special characters in passwords were preventing users from logging onto the mobile app. This has now been resolved and users should be able to use most special characters in their passwords.
User set up System Enhancement When setting up System Administrators on YellowJacket, all user privileges will be selected as a default
Pick lists System Enhancement Following the new functionality of editing pick lists to your needs, we have now added functionality to allow users to ‘select all/deselect all’ to make it easier for the selection process.
Release No: 2016 R9.1 (Upgrade)
Release Date: 10.04.2016
Released By: BA Development Team
Area Type Description Drop down lists System Enhancement System Administrators now have the ability to mark active or inactive the items in the following drop down lists: * Action Types * Audit Categories * Incident Types * Incident Severities * Injury Classifications * Inspection Categories * Observation Categories * Observation Types * Risk Ratings This functionality is available via the ‘Maintain Reference Data’ option under the ‘System Admin’ menu. Report Actions by Organisation Previously, when running this report it looked at who created the record and not the company who is responsible. This fix changes this to point at the responsible organisation as opposed to the creating organisation.
Release No: 2014 R45.0 (Upgrade)
Release Date: 09.06.2014
Released By: Development Team
Type Description Introduction Of Site Plans New Feature This release introduces a new feature to the system which allows commission owners the ability to upload site plans to their commissions. The site plans are then used in identifying locations where Observations have been raised and is administered by the organisations commission managers. New Design of Observation & Action Pages System Enhancement Based on feedback from the YJ user community the Observations and Actions have been redesigned to have data captured on one page in this release. In addition to the redesign of this page there have been a number of new features added to the Observation and Action
process to allow the system to capture more data with less button clicks: * The ability to copy Actions has been introduced to allow users to quickly copy the last Action they created but change either the responsible organization, responsible person, or both. * Location maps have been introduced with the ability to drop a pin identifier to illustrate the issue and pin point where it happened. * The summary boxes have been extended to 500 characters to allow for the capture of more data. * The full description boxes are no longer mandatory it is now optional to the user whether they wish to input any data in the full description box. * The size of attachments and pictures which can be added to the system has been increased by around x10. * Up to 5 images can now be uploaded per Observation / Action to allow the story of the issue to be told easier using pictures. * Images uploaded onto the system can now have marker pins dropped onto them to allow for faster and easier capture of data and identification of issues. * The process of closure on Actions has had a number of steps removed from it to make it faster and easier to close out Actions allocated to you as a user. * The ability to re-assign Actions has been introduced in this release giving those users who create Actions the ability to re-assign them to other companies and / or users if they have been rejected by the original recipient. * The Action audit trail has been changed to make it easier to see the history of the Action
throughout its process from creation to closure Audit / Inspection Observations Bug Fix When Observations were being created from either Inspection or Audit questions the responsible organisation field on the Observation record was automatically being populated with the name of the Inspecting organisation rather than the Inspected organisation. This has been changed in this release and any Observations raised from either Audits or Inspections will now automatically be populated with the name of the organisation being Inspected / Audited by default.
Release No: 2014 R4.0 (Interim Release)
Release Date: 14.04.2014
Released By: Development Team
Type Description Introduction of U.T.C (Universal Time Co-ordinated) New Feature This new feature will give all users the ability to define the time zone that they are working in therefore recording data at the local time for the country they are capturing data in. The feature gives System Administrators the ability to set a time zone for every new user who is added to the system. As an existing user, you can update your time zone from the helpful links menu on the left hand side of your home page or the commission home page. KPI Thresholds Bug Fix This defect was found after the last release and the introduction of dashboards. It occurred for some system administrators when they were creating and / or editing their KPI thresholds. This has been fixed as part of this weekend’s deployment. Commissions with no End Date. Bug Fix This fix was deployed to resolve the issue where the system was treating
commissions with no end date as historic. This has been fixed as part of this weekend’s deployment and filtered commissions should now correctly show based on filters for current and historic date selections. Incidents by Cause Report Bug Fix Some clients were experiencing an issue where the summary box on the Incidents by Cause Report was not displaying any information which had been captured on the page. This issue was found to be occurring if a user was copying and pasting data from a web page or online document into the summary box and as a result no text was being displayed. This has now been fixed and the summary box on the report will now display 100 characters from the summary field in the application. Dashboard End Date Bug Fix The new dashboard feature which was introduced as part of release 3.2 in January had a defect in the calendar which meant users had the ability to run filters for data in the future where there wasn’t any data captured. This defect has now been fixed and the default filter of current month -1 has now been implemented for all users.
Release No: 2013 R3.2 ( Release)
Release Date: 27.01.2014
Released By: Development Team
Type Description User Dashboards New Feature This new feature will give all users the ability to view a cumulative dashboard of data relevant to the commissions they have selected as their favourites. The dashboards show a range of reports and up to date statistics and can be configured using the filters to show varying
amounts of data related to a company’s live commissions. Set Your Own Home Page New Feature This new feature gives all users the ability to select which page they would like to see whenever they logon to YellowJacket. You can choose from Commission Dashboards, Commission Home Pages, Commission Reports Pages, User Dashboard Page or the existing User Portal Page. Once set and saved, this can be changed easily with a simple button click. Commission Dashboard New Feature This new feature gives users with access to a commission the ability to view the commission data in real time on a single page report which includes a number of statistics and graphical outputs. This dashboard includes the new Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate (LTIFR) reporting statistic and delivers data in real time with updates to the statistics as soon as data has been entered. Commission Weekly Summary E-mail Notification System Update This new service informs nominated personnel on a weekly basis of the status of a commission giving them an overview and status of Observations, Actions, Audits, Inspections and Incidents. The recipients of the email can be configured by a commission manager and details of the content sent are based on the organisations position within the supply chain for the selected commission. Observation & Action Type List New Feature There has been a new header added to the user portal page and the commission home page called “Helpful Links.” The user manual can be found under this link as can the new pdf list of Observations and their Associated Action Types. This list is designed to make it easier to find which options are available to users for the assigning of Observations and Actions. Satisfactory Observation Notification New Feature This new service allows commission managers to setup a list / group of email recipients to receive notification of “Good Practice” on a commission. The
email notification will be sent when any Satisfactory Observations are raised against a company in YellowJacket. The list is commission specific and can be managed by commission mangers to ensure specific notifications as required. Saveable filters New Feature With the introduction of the new Dashboards in this release and the inclusion of the new “Set as Home Page” functionality this release also gives users the ability to save filters on either of the dashboards allowing access to the most relevant information for a user faster and easier. Print Facility From The Observation List System Update Following on from the introduction of the commission specific “All Observation List” in release 3.1, users now have the ability to print the All Observations page. This can be done to reflect the filters which have been put in place to look at specific companies or Observations or can be done to reflect All Observations on the Commission.
AIR / AFR / ASR Filter Issue Enhancement The report filters on the AIR / AFR / ASR reports have been enhanced to only show current month -1. This means a user can no longer inadvertently select dates in the future to perform their Accident / Incident Rate calculations.
Release No: 2013 R3.1 ( Release)
Release Date: 28.10.2013
Released By: Development Team
Type Description Company Name Added to Displayed Details New Feature Under a user’s login credentials the system will now display the name of the company that user is associated to User Search Facility in the Maintain User Screen New Feature This new feature will give System Administrators the ability to search for users on their system easier. In addition, the user list can now also
be sorted in alphabetical and reverse alphabetical order. Commission Search and Archive Function New Feature The new feature gives users the ability to search for commissions more easily with a search facility. In addition the default view now gives users the ability to search for current and historic commissions (current commissions are based on a valid start and end date) Audit & Inspection Time Field System Update This has been changed to only show options at 15 minute intervals. This will give users the ability to schedule their Audits / Inspections for 00, 15, 30 and 45 minutes of the selected hour. Commission based Reports New Feature This new feature will deliver commission based reports to a user directly from the commission home page this means that the data on the reports will be pre-filtered to reflect the commission which has been selected by the user. User based Reports New Feature This new functionality will deliver reports for a user based around their selected list of favourites. This means that if a user has selected 5 commissions to be on their favourites list, these 5 commissions will be selected by default when a user selects to run any of the reports in the system. Commission Statistics Ticker New Feature The application now has a number of commission specific statistics which display as a ticker on the commission home page. These statistics are dynamic and update in line with the live data on the system. These include: * Top 3 Satisfactory Observations * Top 3 Unsatisfactory Observations * Cumulative AIR * Number of Overdue Actions * Reportable Injury free days Commission Home Page Filter System Update There has been a new filter facility introduced to the commission home for Observations. This filter will give users the ability to search for Observations using either their Id number or the company assigned the Observation record. It is
designed to help users navigate and find data quicker and easier.
Injury Record (Absence Start and End Date) System Update There has been an option added to the Injury Incident records to allow users to mark the start of absence and the return to work dates as not applicable. This will allow Incidents with No Lost Time to be created quicker and completed easier.
Supply Chain Visualisation New Feature This feature shows an organogram of the project and the relationship between organisations. It also shows the Action Manager (Key Contact) for each company for the selected commission
Commission Based Unpublished Records and Actions New Feature This feature will show a user unpublished records and Actions which have been assigned to them which are specific to the commission they have logged onto. This is designed to make navigation easier and quicker for unpublished records and tasks which have been assigned specifically to the selected commission.
View All Option For Observations New Feature On the commission home page there is a new option to view All Observations related to a user’s company and their Supply Chain. This list is searchable and filterable and gives users the ability to look at large volumes of data easily.
Directors Safety Tour Report Product Enhancement The existing report has been further enhanced to include the total number of Actions raised per tour and is now grouped to show the number of tours completed per person and per company
Root Cause Analysis New Feature This feature introduces two new drop down menus to all of the Incident records. These pick lists are company specific and a system administrator can define, the content, whether they are mandatory or even whether the fields are visible on the page.
Release No: 2013 R3 ( Release)
Release Date: 19.08.2013
Released By: Development Team
Type Description Associate Staff to Commissions New Feature This new feature allows companies to add selected staff members to individual commissions. This will enhance the pick lists in the system for ease of use by only showing those people working on the commission Commission Drop Down Menu On Home Page New Feature The view button has been removed from the users home page, this means one less button click to access commissions Complete Commission List From Users Home Page System Update The complete commission list which is visible by individual organisations is now searchable. In addition the list now shows the commission number as well as the commission name. In addition the list has now been placed in a frame which means the save button will also always be visible for the selection and de-selection of projects to a users subscribed commissions list. Actions By Organisation Report System Update This report has been updated to include the currently assigned person in the Action process. This column will show who is the currently assigned individual as part of the overall Action process. The report will now show the Action creator, the responsible person and the person who currently has the responsibility for taking the next step in the Action process. In addition the report will now show the Action due date. This text will show in red if the Action is overdue. Incidents by Cause Report System Update The Incident by Cause report has been enhanced to include the Category of Injury field to allow for further data analysis. . Reports Home Page Software Enhancement The reports within the system have all had an Exit button added to them which allows for easy
one button click navigation back to the main reports page Commission Home Page – Observation Section Software Enhancement The Latest Observations & Actions section on the Commission home page now includes the name of the organisation responsible for the Observation. This will allow for easier identification of Observation records on screen. Home Page Open Actions Section System Update The hover over text on the Open Actions of a users home page now displays details of the commission and the module that the Action relates to
Observation and Action Edit Screens System Update The Observation & Action screens within the system have been updated to include the module from which the record originates. This Observation and Action records will now show Inspection, Audit, Commission, Incident etc to help the user identify more with the records and their close out process.
Report Filter in Directors Safety Tour Bug Fix The Directors Safety Tour Report has been re-launched after some bug fixes have been applied. These bug fixes should ensure that the data returned on the report reflects those Inspections which have been identified under the Maintain Reference Data section as “Directors Safety Tour” –
Inspection & Audit Scorecard Filters Bug Fix The filters on the Audit & Inspection scorecards have been fixed to allow you to filter on specific dates. Prior to this release the filters were only searching data on a per month basis.
Improved Login Screen System Update The login screen for the system has been updated to reflect the same look and style as the YellowJacket
Release No: 2013 R2.1 (Interim Release)
Release Date: 01.07.2013
Released By: Development Team
Type Description
Directors Safety Tour Report System Update The Directors Safety Tour Report has been updated and enhanced to include all Inspections which have been selected as “Directors Safety Tours” under the Maintain Reference Data. This option is organisation specific and allows company’s to specify which reports they see as part of this report output. Deletion of scheduled Inspection series Bug Fix The process of deleting a series of Inspections was producing an error. This bug has been fixed in this release Action Process – Audit History System Update The on-screen Audit trail of the Action process now reflects the last person to update the record. Audit Templates System Update In this release the outputs from the Audit and Inspection templates now reflect the same order as the application Audit & Inspection Scorecard Update New Feature The scorecard reports have been enhanced to include the average scores for individual questions to allow comparative reporting. Actions By Organisation Report Software Enhancement The Actions By Organisation report has been enhanced to include the organisation name of the user creating the Action. Incidents By Organisation Report Software Enhancement The report has been changed to show the date of the Incident rather than the target closure date Report Page System Update To minimize the number of button clicks to access and view the list of available reports in the system and to enhance the user experience, there is now one single point of accessibility for all reports in the system. The new reports page can be accessed from the left hand pane of every users home page and will take you to a new page which has all of the reports on the one page grouped by the type (Incident, Audit, Inspection, Action)
Audit and Inspection Schedule Process System Update As a result of feedback from the user community, Audits and Inspections can now be scheduled up to 13 weeks in advance. This enhancement in conjunction with the ability to delete Audits and
Inspections will allow for better planning and scheduling and minimize the number of Audits and Inspections the system which are not being completed on the system.
Currently under development for the next system release the Associating Staff to Commissions. This functionality will give Commission Managers the ability to manage those users on their sites. This will make the drop down menus of people commission specific and make the selection process of individuals when assigning Actions and Inspections / Audits easier.
The business has also engaged in an exercise to scope potential development scope for a YellowJacket mobile application. This process will involve a number of workshops internally and interviews with various users across the business to understand our requirements for an offline YellowJacket application which would work on various types of mobile devices.